Why don't my photos look right?

James Rothwell
Edit My Images
Just a quick one.

I work for a Skoda/Alfa Romeo garage and I do the photographs for autotrader, the manufacture websites and the like and for some reason the photo below looks rubbish.

Think it's the reflection on the roof of the car?

Doesn't matter too much as it's only a snap for the t'interweb but any tips on how to improve would be appreciated.



1/250sec - ISO 200 - F4
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A polariser used correctly will cut down on the reflections, it'd also help retain blue sky and boost the saturation too.
Underexposing a bit would probably help matters as well in this kind of light...
Your background is WAY too busy, Take the cars somewhere nice to photograph them and they'll photograph (and presumably sell) better.
There isn't many places to photograph them around my way, the only plain background would be the side of a warehouse which is plain grey or brown I think?

Other than that it would involve a drive to the downs which is nice once or twice then it gets very annoying.
There isn't many places to photograph them around my way, the only plain background would be the side of a warehouse which is plain grey or brown I think?

Other than that it would involve a drive to the downs which is nice once or twice then it gets very annoying.

If the tree was a little bit further to the left then the lamp post wouldn't be growing out of the back window. Wouldn't be perfect but the composition would be better :)
There isn't many places to photograph them around my way, the only plain background would be the side of a warehouse which is plain grey or brown I think?

Other than that it would involve a drive to the downs which is nice once or twice then it gets very annoying.

The plain background is fine, but I'd keep the car as far from the background as possible, that combined with the polariser will get rid of all/most of the unflattering reflections, and with a suitable aperture would really separate the car from the background. The metering looks spot on for the rest of the car though.
also try changing the time of day you shoot if possible, to get a less harsh light ?

Try the more industrial setting, it might just work :)
Working in the same line, I think you are possibly trying to be a bit too clever. Punters want to see the car, not the background, so anything that provides a good clean background and makes the car stand out as the star is preferable imo. I also think for this shot in particular, lowering the levels and upping the contrast a little would help as it looks a wee bit over exposed.

Edit: just to say if I thought Mr Yv would let me buy that car, I wouldnt give a monkeys uncle about the pic :D :love:
A polariser will help, but you really need to position the car completely away from the trees to avoid the intense mix of bright light and heavy shadows from appearing on the top surfaces of the car.