Why is a garage better than a fridge?

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I tend to store fruit and veg in a wooden crate in the garage in winter, especially around Christmas when the fridge is packed. Why does stuff last much better in the garage? Carrots or parsnips for example go bendy at a week old in the fridge (or less) but are perfect in the garage?
Loads of things are stored in fridges because "the experts" say we should. I keep a lot of foodstuffs in the garage here...not just veg.
I miss the larder I had in my last house.
I don't keep stuff in my garage because of the amount of car work spray painting I do in there, but I have a shed that could stock my Irn-Bru fetish for the next few months :D Sometimes I keep stuff in the porch as well. It's not insulated so it's just as cold as being outside.

I'm with Jonathan on this one, probably down to humidity.
Purely on the title alone, because you can't get a car in the fridge. :) Mind you with the amount of toot some people keep in their garages, they can't get the car in there neither.
You've got garages? Lucky b*******!!
When I moved I bought a small bungalow so I could get something with adequate garage space.

Others prefer to have more bedrooms, en-suites, utility rooms etc rather than garages. You pay your money, you take your choice.
I have a fridge in my garage. The garage is too cold for the fridge which is being moved as it does not work properly.
I have a fridge in my garage. The garage is too cold for the fridge which is being moved as it does not work properly.
Few fridges / freezers work properly below 5C. Some do though.
@Nod Eggs in the fridge? :LOL:
I'm not in charge of what goes in the fridge. If I was, eggs, tomatoes and cheese (for a start!) would be kept out of it.
I keep finding knitted penguins in my fridge because my 4year old says they need to live in cold places.
Lol But I woulldn't worry too much, unless you find a real one in there :D
Lol But I woulldn't worry too much, unless you find a real one in there :D
There is that urban legend of the school kids who took a penguin from a zoo whilst on a school trip but got found out on the bus home when the teacher noticed them passing it their mates.
There is that urban legend of the school kids who took a penguin from a zoo whilst on a school trip but got found out on the bus home when the teacher noticed them passing it their mates.
Rumour has it that's the reason that Whipsnade Zoo (my local) has put up a large security fence
around the penguin pool, but there seems to be no basis in fact that I can find ;)
(all I gotta do now is find a way to sneak it back in :D )
my ex wife worked at one of our local prisons, one of her prisoners was let out for day release,and he went to chester zoo for the day with his lad, whilst there he had the bright idea of pinching a meerkat, then proceeded to try and smuggle it back into the nick as a pet....now i understand they can stick such things like drugs, mobile phones etc etc of their bums to smuggle, but how on earth was he going to try and get a live meerkat up his back passage beggers belief :eek:
but how on earth was he going to try and get a live meerkat up his back passage beggers belief :eek:
If he were to shove a handful of meal worms up there, I'm sure it would be happy to crawl up itself :D
The voice of experience?
A Meerkat was stolen by a scumbag from Wingham in 2011 (might have been '12).
If I recall correctly he was given a suspended sentence and the Meerkat died :(