Why shouldn't I buy a 7D

Thanks guys,

The 450 has gone so I have no camera, just a pile of lenses, I suppose I'm going to have to do something sooner rather than later.

My shooting is pretty varied to be honest, sport and fast moving stuff isn't at the top of the most shot though, but that's not to say it wont be creeping into the mix.

The 7D has the built in flash controller, plus makes use of the 17-55 I have. If I were to go upwards to a 1D for example I would need the equivalent walk around lens at 2.8 which is a fair chunk more.

I cant say I have ever looked at the 1D's in much detail, maybe I should have a read up.
mipevo6 said:
Take a look at Camerapricebuster.co.uk...

They show Amazon as the best price at the moment....

I went 450D to 7D.....things that blew me away....

Viewfinder brightness and size
viewfinder information clarity (you can do all kinds of funky things)
AF system - is just awesome...
wireless flash
lcd and buttons on top... so quick to change the key settings...
overall control system... faster, easier..

JFDI as they say.....

What about iq and iso performance? Any better? I have a 400d
What about iq and iso performance? Any better? I have a 400d
Yes - the 7D exposes differently to the 450D giving a better colour rendition IMHO. And yes - higher ISOs are better
...much better!
The 1D is a great camera no doubt about it, but I wouldn't buy it for an only body as the wideangle options for it are not optimal and the "normal zooms" get a bit weird (for me) with the 1.3x crop.

The 7D on the other hand works wonders with the 17-55, gives a bit of reach to the the 70-200 and gives you the option of a 10-22 canon or 11-16 tokina for the wide end - both great lenses.

I have 5D, 7D, 1D and 1Ds bodies myself.. :help: The 7D gets used the most to be honest, mostly due to the very good high ISO and 17-55/2.8 IS. But when the primes come out, it's 5D and 1Ds all the way.
I upgraded from a 400d to 7d recently...it's awesome. Got mine from Kerso who's on TP.

I went through the same dilemma about the money. Now I have the camera, I don't miss the cash, and I do love the camera.

Anyway, it's an investment...just think of all the other things you won't be spending money on while your using it! :)
I was in the same boat about a month ago, I was looking at the 60D and the 7D.
To be fair the 60D would give you the same image quality as the 7D in the test's I did. Just little niggle things that put me off the 60D...the feel was different and the button controls were different. It did have the flip-out screen which is nice for over head/low shots , oh also I think the 60D is still SD cards the 7D is Flash cards so that's an extra cost to factor in....the best advice would be to take a trip to your local camera shop and compare the 2 taking shot a same item subject and in low light if possible (if you can get a flash card for the 7D off a friend then borrow one and take it with you, 60D is SD I think) so you can compare the shots at home)..

Suppose it will come down to price feel and would you ever think to go Full-Frame. As if you plan to go full frame in the future get the 60D to save some cash and then save for the 5Dmkii or the next model up from it. (When it comes)

BTW - HDEW have the 7D - £999 + 3 Yrs Guarantee (y)

Cheapest Ive seen it anyway! And HDEW seem to be a UK company and you can go collect apparently!
To be fair the 60D would give you the same image quality as the 7D in the test's I did.
That's hardly surprising since they have the same sensor and metering system. As does the 600D and 550D. This chart may help you a little:

I have been using 7D from last one year. Really like the speed and focus system. The body feels solid and with a canon battery grip it becomes more strong. I love this camera. If you like sports and high speed photography go for it..
BTW - HDEW have the 7D - £999 + 3 Yrs Guarantee (y)

Cheapest Ive seen it anyway! And HDEW seem to be a UK company and you can go collect apparently!

ordered mine from there today, very helpful on the phone.
if you are wanting a camera with good high ISO then don't bother with the 7d. far too many pixels on a APS-C sensor.

do you have a flash?

what do you shoot that requires high ISO?

have you considered a fast lens?

Right I have the cash available and I'm on the verge of buying a 7D body.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't be doing this?

I don't think that the 450D I currently have gives me enough room, especially with anything that involves bumping up the iso, plus after holding a 7D my current body feels small and weak, plus I've already got a few decent bits of glass.

17-55 F2.8
70-200 F4 L
100 F2.8 Macro
50mm F1.8

I think I'm just looking for reassurance as I find it hard to release my grip on that sort of money. I was looking at HDEW as they do it for £1050 with a 3 year in store warranty.

So the metereing is far superior then 5dmk2?
In a way superior, far I don't know about.. ;). It certainly renders colours better than the 450D I used to have..
Actually, I feel I should answer the OP's question that makes up the title of this thread -

"Why shouldn't I buy a 7D"

You shouldn't buy a 7D because once you've used one for a while, no current camera will ever perform as well for sports, wildlife and general fast paced stuff in a similar price range! You'll be somewhat spoiled, but it will be totally worth it :D
Right I have the cash available and I'm on the verge of buying a 7D body.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't be doing this?
...........after holding a 7D my current body feels small and weak

No reason not to go for the 7D but (regarding the above) don't then start holding 1D bodies - it leads to nothing but poverty or frustration :bonk:
I upgraded from a 400D to a 7D last year, and apart from occasional periods where it seems to have problems maintaining focus-lock ( I mainly shoot motorsport, specifically rallying), I am well pleased with mine.

The colours it produces are superb. I recently tried mine at a night rally (with a 550 EX Speedlite) and was delighted with the results-it works superbly at night with a flash. (y)

Mind you, I am starting to have yearnings for a second-hand 1DMk3! :love:
I upgraded from a 400D to a 7D last year, and apart from occasional periods where it seems to have problems maintaining focus-lock ( I mainly shoot motorsport, specifically rallying), I am well pleased with mine.

The colours it produces are superb. I recently tried mine at a night rally (with a 550 EX Speedlite) and was delighted with the results-it works superbly at night with a flash. (y)

Mind you, I am starting to have yearnings for a second-hand 1DMk3! :love:

I might be able to help you out with that in a couple of months :LOL:

(Assuming Canon launch a new 1d)

Quick question for those buying from HDEW.

The Canon 7D's are imported....1st year is Canon Guarantee, the following 2 Years are with HDEW.

Any issues or warnings from buying imported hardware? I cant think of any!

Thanks ALL
Ordered one Thursday, should have been here by 1pm today but the royal fail decided to not deliver it and send it to another part of the country. This was not the fault of HDEW, they have been nothing but friendly and helpful. I now have to wait until Monday to get my hands on it.

@ cominatcha, All the 7D's in this country are imported in one way or another.

Quick question for those buying from HDEW.

The Canon 7D's are imported....1st year is Canon Guarantee, the following 2 Years are with HDEW.

Any issues or warnings from buying imported hardware? I cant think of any!

Thanks ALL

NONE, especially with the free 3 year warranty on bundles etc :D
Only thing that is annoying is the price of the bundle i have ordered has dropped by £30 since yesterday when i paid!:bang:
I finally have it in my hands and I'm well chuffed, so may settings to get wrong :D

The staff at HDEW were great considering the royal mail were doing their best to not deliver it and make me wait.
the 7d was on my list of wants but I bought the 600d instead couldn't justify the extra 500 quid for my amateur abilities
then I went and bought an expensive lens
and we reckon women waste money lol
This is why i prefer to go to the shops to purchase my cameras :)

I ordered my 5DmkII online and within 20 minutes i was opening the box, i love jessops collect in store.

Enjoy your new camera, ive gone from 550D to 5d so i know how you feel about all the buttons lol