Why throw away the Box!!

I keep the receipts in the boxes along with all the paperwork (manuals, warranty cards etc) and the bag that many come with. Keeps it all together. There's plenty of space for light stuff in the loft so there's an old bed drawer into which photo kit boxes get put so they're easy to find if necessary.
I keep the receipts in the boxes along with all the paperwork (manuals, warranty cards etc) and the bag that many come with. Keeps it all together.
If you need to find the disc that came with a laptop then it's much easier to find the box in the loft than a single disc!
TV boxes are useful for if you need to move the TV (i.e. moving house)
Phone, lens, camera boxes etc are all fairly small (and I don't have that many, and they stack into bigger boxes pretty well) so I'm happy to keep them - especially if I paid a decent amount of money for it.
I'm a box keeper most definitely, I keep all boxes of worthwhile items...My loft is filled with them, great for additional insulation as well :) And someone else will probably say a fire hazard :)

I do find that selling second hand makes it an easier and quicker sale when you have the original box. Posting it is is easier. And as I was burgled a few weeks back, the insurance company was well impressed how I was able to line up all boxes and receipts for everything going back 17 years....

Heck they told me my Rolex box alone is worth about £300 :eek: Apple boxes are valuable as well...As long as they don't deduct it from the insurance pay out I'm happy I'm a box keeper...