Why we chose our username.

Made it my lifes work to mill all the trees in Scotland. Not quite got the job done yet though. Need a bigger saw man!!:D.
Hmm if you had seen my "Santa" thread it should really be "Co-Bra" :D
Its really quite boring its the name of my wildlife management company and that came from my fascination of snakes
and their success as preditors.

Mine's quite dull, but as you asked.....
I used to own 2 Siamese cats (or meezers as they are known in the cat world). I used to nickname the older one 'meeze', then when I got the 2nd one as a kitten, it was nicknamed 'minimeeze'. Hence my username!
Hmmm! where did mine come from...
Having three kids of various ages, I have been forced to watch SpongeBob over the years and you know what, the little guy has grown on me......OK OK, I admit it, I watch SpongeBob and I got a SpongeBob mousemat at Christmas.


Need I say more? :naughty: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
MG TF 135 is the car i drive. Which is a bit of a pain as i'm thinking of changing it! So mods how do i go about changing my username??
I usually go by "Souljacker", as in the Eels album. One of my favourite albums, alongside "Crisis", by Alexisonfire - but what kind of name would that be?

I decided to just go for my first name this time!
BigD as ive been called it for years :naughty: reasons i wont go into :LOL:

only joking, i got called BigD once as i was out at my local haunt in my bros car eating a kingpot pot noodle which at the time had big dave in the ad.
I'm crazy and hung like a ......
Clothes horse ;)
Taken from a nickname ( Cheezamo) from long time mates, the cheez fits with the old togs shout for a smile.

Mine came a few years ago when I was registering on a site somewhere. It was popular and everything I tried was taken, so I took the first letters from my christian name and my surname. Boring really.
Basically the same as a few others really

first 3 letters of forname and surname with house number added, use this one for most forums and that fleaeeey selling place :eek:
been using this name online since 1996

was watching The Prodigy at the Reading Festival and singing along to Firestarter as 'I'm a twisted badgerbaiter' Not really sure why i was doing it, but there you go.
boring story really, but you did ask :)
Can anyone guess how I chose mine? :shrug:
Not very imaginative i'm afraid. Refers to one of my favourite songs of all time. Local boy in the photograph (loved the song years ago before I got into photography!) by Stereophonics.

Hello all by the way, from a new member :wave: :help:
I was rather drunk one night with some friends and we were trying to come up with nicknames for everyone... I have a habit of shortening peoples names and adding an "zza" to them... i.e. Dazza, Tizza, Azza, Grazza... (You get the idea). Anyway I got nicknamed "Jozza Blubber Rooney" (coz I blub at everything :crying:...)

Hence Jozza!!! :D
BRASH - because I am. Now sod off and mind your own business:razz:

Only jokin' don't really mean it.

It's my nick name at work but it's another story about how I got it. Think just about everything non PC and and I'm it but worse. I'm a softy really but don't like to show it:crying:
I am not letting anyone in on my secret. I aim to be cryptic, and the username is just one of the puzzles to my existence!!
Quite simple, my nickname since childhood has been Birdy (Real name is Robin):bang: first part of my e-mail is birdy961 as birdy was taken so tend to use it for all on line activity:shrug:
Its my name, why do you need a nickname on a photography forum. After all its not like im hacking the CIA and need to be anonymous :shrug:
, Well not on this forum anyway :D:D:D
Wow this is actually a real eye opener.

I never knew where all these names came from. names that i've kinda taken for granted and not really given a second thought to their origins...like hacker and minimeeze etc.

And Im learning lots from this thrad, like I never knew that dod was short for George...

I always wondered why you were called that! (dod, not George :p)
mine comes from being called a little fat man by a snooty woman in a car park
Mine comes from being a Fusilier in the Army.. regiments in the Army have all sorts of different kicknames for every other regiment.. we were called Fraggles.. I ended upworking with guys from lots of different regiments and they all called me Fraggle.. i like it..:LOL: It brings back memories.. (y)
I live on Bradley Stoke in Bristol, which in the early 90's earned a nick-name of sadlybroke due to a problem with negative equity.

That's that really! :)

I signed up on a couple of sports bike forums back in 2002 after buying a new Suzuki GSXR in Telefonica Movistar colours. The name has stuck as I've found its never in use when registering any sites/forums.
I read loads of science fiction books, mines the name of one of the lesser gods in the Raymond E Feist novels, also known as the prankster, the artful dodger or the nightstalker.

Fantastic author and a similar story to why I chose mine.

the author in question is JV Jones who had created a "bad guy" called Baralis, who was the power behind the throne so to speak, but wanted the throne for himself.

I was a forum admin for quite some time for a US strategy and statistics forum called Stratics for a game called Neverwinter Nights and I had to create a character for use on the internal servers.

I used Baralis as a base for my character and came up with the name Braeden which means From the Dark Valley.

I came up with the tagline "From the Dark Valley comes your Destruction, and your Salvation" which I thought was a pretty clever play on words :)

Elsewhere I'm also known as "Demrog", and "Morten of Europa" for other online RPGs that I play/played.
I am not letting anyone in on my secret. I aim to be cryptic, and the username is just one of the puzzles to my existence!!

Now that is cryptic :D

Quite simple, my nickname since childhood has been Birdy (Real name is Robin):bang: first part of my e-mail is birdy961 as birdy was taken so tend to use it for all on line activity:shrug:

Robin, Birdy, Birdy Robin :thinking:
Nope I don't get it :shrug: :D
Gilly is the affectionate pet name my hubby has always called me. When we first met he composed a piece of music and called it Gilly. B is the first letter of my surname - Brench.
Melbster or Melb.... I've had this nickname since school.

Ok here goes..

As far as i can remember it progressed from my surname as follows :

Fletcher...Fletch...Fleetch...Peach...Peach Melba... and finally to Melb / Melbster / Melboss of which ALL my mates still call me ! (bearing in mind i'm 36 !) :D
Mine comes from my mam and dad! :D :D lol

I used to be called Hades - this came from the Disney cartoon "Hercules" that my kids loved - I really loved the Hades character and just found him incredibly funny! But I asked Marcel to change it to Vinny - although I am still Hades on various other forums as Vinny is usually taken!

I do have www.vinny.co.uk though :D