wild cats in england

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hi there all

i am just asking if any one knows of these big cats as i have been on you tube and there is a video of a big cat (to me it looks like a pantha) but i would like you to let me know what you think to the video and to this other one from down wessex way.



CCTV Footage of Monster crossing Road - Britain's X-Files


i have used the titles off you tube so you know its true and its easy to find if the link does not work..

like i have said the video in derby is what i think is a pantha and the other video i have know idea as it can run but what animal runs like that?
The first one looks like a domestic black cat to me and the other looks like a greyhound.
i have just relooked at the videos and the 1st looks to big to be a domestic cat and the 2nd could be a greyhound but after looking on google images at grey hounds the head shape is not right so im still not sure about bout any other comments might help
but what animal runs like that?

Not sure about the head, but the run is definately like a greyhound imho
Well it's interesting, but as already said the first video has little to give scale to the critter, but it looks to me like just a domestic black cat. The second video could be anythng, but my money is on a greyhound dog or similar.

I can't take these tales of wild big cats seriously - experts have put a lot of time into tracking and looking for sgns - droppings etc, in areas where they've allegedly been sighted, but nothing concrete has been found at all.

It's highly debatable if a panther sized big cat could survive on what it could kill in the UK, let alone a few of them which many people believe to be the case. Also I'd have to say that some of the videos you see are so bad that it seems to be deliberate. ;)
I don't know if you saw last nights autumnwatch but there was a bit about this, and they showed a picture of what i think was a lynx someone had shot whilst it was killing sheep.
The first video is definately a domestic cat and the second one looks like a Greyhound or similar type of dog.
First one is a domestic black cat. Large breed but not a big cat. Some get quite large.
I also go with the second being a dog. But it certainly looks weird.

Farmer I know in cornwall has seen a Puma on his land. No reason for me to disbelive him
Wonder if the dog shaped creature is a weimerana or crossed one of those with a greyhound/whippety/borzoi thing.

It does mystify me why no one ever gets a proper shot of one of these creatures and only ever gets wobbly video which leaves the subject whenever it goes anywhere near anything you can size it against. :shrug:
I think if I saw one I would be shaking with excitement and probably wouldnt be able to hold my camera steady.
First one is a big domestic black cat.
The second could be and probaly is a starving mange infested old fox. On this video the face doesnt look so fox like due probably to infection. I recall seeing one like this years ago and it was definiately a fox it was caught and humanly destroyed, that too had an out of shape face due to infection a stragley thin tail with loss of hair to its tail and hind quarters.
Fox. Of course.

Definitely worth carrying a monopod everywhere just in case :)
Foxes don't tend to wear collars, 2 is definitely wearing a collar, greyhound type dog, could even be a staffy greyhound cross, a mates got one and they look like this.

No1 is a domestic moggy..

Big cats move in a certain way, and whilst I am in no doubt that there are some out there, these examples aren't.
Foxes don't tend to wear collars, No1 is a domestic moggy..

Big cats move in a certain way, and whilst I am in no doubt that there are some out there, these examples aren't.

Oops I never noticed the collar.

I agree big cats do move differently
I have seen one of these some years ago with a mate, we were cycling along a mash road and we saw what looked like a panther (deff not a moggie or dog anyway) running parallel with us about 15 foot away, there had been a lot of sheep killed that year in that area.
Theres supposed to be one on the mountains near me (not seen it though) it seems armed police took a shot at it last year in the grounds of a nursing home but missed.
Definitely a domestic cat and some sort of dog.

I'm quite sure there are big cats living wild in the UK. Most cats are solitary and crepuscular/nocturnal, and tend to avoid humans in the wild, so it's not surprising that there aren't more confirmed sightings. We have wildcats in Scotland and I've only seen one, years ago, in a remote part of the highlands. I'm not even sure it was a pure breed, because they can hybridise with domestic cats.

I live in rural SW Scotland and there were a few reports of possible attacks on livestock last year. The wounds were consistent with a cat attack, and the police more or less ruled out criminal activity.

The most plausible explanation I've come across is that they're descended from exotic pets that escaped, or were released by their owners after controls were introduced in the 1970s. I've seen lots of big cats in Africa, but I'd love to come across one here. Let's hope the police keep missing!