Wildlife locations ? where would you go or have been?

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Apart from the nature reserves, if you were going away for a week (or two) in the UK where would you go to get good wildlife shots of your favourite animals?

Im wanting to get away to maybe several locations, a sort of a mini tour .

Im based in north Cumbria about half way between lands end and John O' Groats so do I go North to the highlands or Orkney ,Skye or south to Wales, Devon or Norfolk ?

I suppose Im looking for information on specific good locations, where, with a large measure of patience I'd see a variety of British wildlife.
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Two weeks? Start at Speyside, head west, visit some of the island suggestions above.
Spent last week on Mull....Hen Harriers, Sea Eagles, Red Deer, Otters, common & grey seals, adders all very very close...Golden Eagles from distance (close last year) & hundreds of smaller birds etc fantastic scenery.

Curently on Main land on the Ardnamurchan peninsula. First day and already had Merlin, Tawny Owl, Pine Marten, lesser woodpecker (RSBB site), Otter at distance, black gulimots...just spoken with the farmer and been given a site were we should get Golden Eagle at fairly close quarters.

For me Mull is the place then head to the mainland or other isles for another week.

Taken last week & unedited as only got the net book;)
Glen trool, Dumfries and Galloway. The Galloway forest is one of the remotest places left in Britain and it's not to far from you. Full of wildlife from Otters, Deer, goats, kites ect.
Isle of Skye - specifically the very western area: Neist point is stunning, and incredibly rich in wildlife:
I've seen Minke Whales, Orca's, Basking Sharks, all manner of sea birds, Golden Eagles, Sea Otters, Porpoises, large pods of dolphins and Red Deer...

Plus, along with the wildlife, the landscape around the Cuillins is awesome too.

I've sent you a PM after you commented on my thread.

Mull is great but this year the Otter viewings have been down apparently. I certainly saw fewer when I went in June.

Skomer/Marloes peninsula can be good, porpoises, dolphins as well as seals and seabirds :)