Wildlife with 100-400L & 2X Converter


David Sullivan
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Was at Cotswold Wildlife Park with Chris (Cobra) today, tried his 2X Converter on my 100-400 to see what it was like, would say I am surprised (and thinking of getting one).

Handheld, at 800mm.






Thanks for looking.
Great pics, love the first one; is that a ring tailed lemur? and the meercat....but then I am a mug for meercats....:)
Pretty damned good Stu!
The mongoose is spot on IMO (y)
( Who said it couldn't be done? :D)
Did you use a monopod?

I ask because I'm heading to Whipsnade this very day, and was wondering if I should quickly nip to Jessops and get one to shoot animals.
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These are fantastic! - I'm now in a quandry, do I get extension tubes for some macro stuff or a 2 x converter for wildlife!!
Great pics, love the first one; is that a ring tailed lemur? and the meercat....but then I am a mug for meercats....:)

Thanks, yep is a Ring tail.

Pretty damned good Stu!
The mongoose is spot on IMO (y)
( Who said it couldn't be done? :D)

Thanks Chris, am chuffed with them, didn't think they would come out this good, shows, they may say 'Can't be done', but never say never ;)

I think they're brilliant. Would have to go for nos.1 and 4 as my personal favourites.


Did you use a monopod?

I ask because I'm heading to Whipsnade this very day, and was wondering if I should quickly nip to Jessops and get one to shoot animals.

No mono pod, all handheld and manual focus, as 2X wont auto focus :D :D

These are fantastic! - I'm now in a quandry, do I get extension tubes for some macro stuff or a 2 x converter for wildlife!!


These ere on the 100-400 so no auto focus, so bear that in mind, was good fun experimenting though, and may be getting one to experiment further.
these shots convince me a 2x would be a good investment

Thanks, one thing to remember is you wont have auto focus, but as you can see it can be done using manual focus, you either need to get the shutter speed up, or like I intend doing next time I have ago use a tripod.