Windows 11 Driver and security Query

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I’m a Mac user normally but have just bought a new Windows 11 Laptop for work and having a couple of teething issues.

I have an external CD drive that I’ve used with my Mac for ages, but it is compatible for both Windows and Mac. When I plug the drive into the Windows Laptop I get a pop up saying that the driver can’t be installed due to Microsoft Security, and on following the help it says that I need to turn off memory integrity in the core isolation section of security. If I do this the drive works.

The problem with this is that I don’t want the memory integrity off all the time and it’s a pain having to turn it off and on every time I use the CD drive, especially as it requires a restart. Is there a workaround anyone knows of? Can you set specific items to bypass the security settings?

The driver in question is GEARAspiWDM.sys, and a quick google tells me this is a driver that allows CD recording capabilities to iTunes.

I’ve looked at other CD drives and they’re all compatible with Mac and Windows so I’m guessing if I bought a new drive I’d run into the same issues?

Any help would be appreciated.
Have you checked that you have the latest version of that driver?
No I haven't, being a Mac user I'm not sure where to find it :facepalm:
This recent article may help although it's a problem that seems to go back over ten years. I would use it for info and treat its recommendations with caution as I haven't read it in detail.
Ignore the click-bait download.
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This recent article may help although it's a problem that seems to go back over ten years. I would use it for info and treat its recommendations with caution as I haven't read it in detail.
Ignore the click-bait download.
Thanks for this, on further investigation is appears to be a legacy driver for burning CDs for iTunes that gets installed when installing Mixmeister Studio Software, deleting the driver solves the issue.

However, it's all a bit of a moot point as I'm returning the laptop due to 3 failures to boot, 2 needing recovery mode to boot and one needing a full reset.