Windows 11 worth the upgrade

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I have just been notified that I can upgrade to Win 11, for anyone who has done the upgrade is it worth it?
Any probs with PS/LR , Office ( old version ) etc
If you know what you are doing OK!....Otherwise wait until the new year.
Lots of You Tube videos. ;)
LR/PS works just fine. Win 11 seems to work smoothly.
Don't use office on Windows, have it in my Mac.
But all that probably depends more on your machine specs than the operating system
I would hold off for now until the early bugs are detected and patched. Personally I intend to upgrade around the new year. Why become a beta tester if others can do it instead, especially if you have some important info you don’t want to risk losing.
If you're on Intel you should be fine. There has been an update from MS and AMD for the Ryzen CPUs so they should perform better than they had been on win 11.
I think I'll wait for a few more weeks, I'm in no rush.
Thanks for everyones input, I thiñk I will leave it for a bit.
to be honest i would leave it for a while, nowt to gain at the moment if all works well on w10.
i have run up a few machines on w11 and yes its a fresher interface but it all runs the same apps the same
as folk have said wait until the early bugs have been sorted.
I've done it but I'm going to change back. It's probably because I'm just a little autistic in that I don't like change but as far as I can see Windows 11 is change for changes sake. It has nice little rounded corners to things, it has some new noises but...

Some annoyances (at least for me):

It's removed a wallpaper I loved and can't find again.
The task bar won't appear on my second monitor no matter who's instructions I follow.
The start button is in the middle (although it can be changed to the left).
The action centre is rubbish now and half the things that were in it have now gone, hidden somewhere in the netherworld.
Right-clicking in file explorer doesn't give you all the options (like create a new folder), you have to click again on 'show more options' to end up with an exact copy of what is already on Windows 10.
You have to disable focus assist or it starts to not show you things that previously you would see.

On the upside:

Cortana has largely disappeared unless you want it back.
Er, can't think of anything else.

If someone new to PC's has come into Windows 11 as a new operating system they will probably be quite happy, but for now, it's not for me.

Edit: I have changed back in just a few minutes after I wrote the above. It's very quick and everything I missed has returned including my wallpaper and the task bar on the second monitor.
Try Windows 11 if you like, the change back is really quick if you find you don't like it. I know I'll change eventually, just not for a few more months.
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I've done it but I'm going to change back. It's probably because I'm just a little autistic in that I don't like change but as far as I can see Windows 11 is change for changes sake. It has nice little rounded corners to things, it has some new noises but...

Some annoyances (at least for me):

It's removed a wallpaper I loved and can't find again.
The task bar won't appear on my second monitor no matter who's instructions I follow.
The start button is in the middle (although it can be changed to the left).
The action centre is rubbish now and half the things that were in it have now gone, hidden somewhere in the netherworld.
Right-clicking in file explorer doesn't give you all the options (like create a new folder), you have to click again on 'show more options' to end up with an exact copy of what is already on Windows 10.
You have to disable focus assist or it starts to not show you things that previously you would see.

On the upside:

Cortana has largely disappeared unless you want it back.
Er, can't think of anything else.

If someone new to PC's has come into Windows 11 as a new operating system they will probably be quite happy, but for now, it's not for me.

Edit: I have changed back in just a few minutes after I wrote the above. It's very quick and everything I missed has returned including my wallpaper and the task bar on the second monitor.
Try Windows 11 if you like, the change back is really quick if you find you don't like it. I know I'll change eventually, just not for a few more months.
You can get the expanded options when you right click via a registry edit if you are interested in getting it back.
You can get the expanded options when you right click via a registry edit if you are interested in getting it back.

The registry is something I try to stay clear of, I used to be a computer engineer and I know that damage that can be done to software in inexperienced hands (not by me I hasten add, well not often ;)).
The registry is something I try to stay clear of, I used to be a computer engineer and I know that damage that can be done to software in inexperienced hands (not by me I hasten add, well not often ;)).
Agree, definitely not for the faint of heart. Alternatively there is some software which can be used to edit the registry for you. It is legit and was mentioned on some respectable websites.

That said, I wouldn’t pay $5 for something that will create or edit the registry to look like Windows 10 when I still have access to that for free :LOL:
My old computer won't accept W11 anyway. I am quite happy chugging along with W10
My old computer won't accept W11 anyway. I am quite happy chugging along with W10

W10 is a great product the best yet in my opinion so its going to be around till 2025 its a good deal
Counter to my earlier recommendation, I upgraded so here is some preliminary feedback:

Generally looks good and is quite stable. The user interface especially for settings is much clearer than W10. There are some graphical issues here and there including blurred text and graphics when scaling up on a large external monitor and some inexplicable error messages popping up with the occasional program that remains loading indefinitely. I agree with all feedback provided by @ShinySideUp

Most non graphical issues resolved with a restart but still annoying nevertheless.

DEFINITELY has some rough edges but once smoothed over this should be as good as W10 and XP have been previously. Hold off on the upgrade if you want to avoid some aggro otherwise quite fun to use.
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I’ve upgraded and in general performance is quicker. That‘s all.
One problem is that after I start up the wireless internet connection shows full strength and says it is connected. But it won’t let me connect to any sites. I usually have to disconnect WiFi and reconnect a couple of times before I’m on the net.
I wonder if having Norton installed messes things up?
Just bought a new PC with Windows 11 installed, must say I prefer Windows 10. Things just seem easier to do in win 10.
I’ve upgraded and in general performance is quicker. That‘s all.
One problem is that after I start up the wireless internet connection shows full strength and says it is connected. But it won’t let me connect to any sites. I usually have to disconnect WiFi and reconnect a couple of times before I’m on the net.
I wonder if having Norton installed messes things up?
I have noticed the same WiFi problem. It is intermittent and happens after I wake up the laptop from sleep. Connecting to WiFi takes a little longer than Windows 10 but is stable.

Stability is fine, takes some time to get used to the new UI but the settings are vastly superior to Windows 7 and 10. There is a definite learning curve but it has been running like a champ so far doing heavy gaming, Capture One, playing 4K videos.

One important note, 8GB RAM is definitely NOT enough for basic operations. I have 32GB which is way overkill for my needs and other than times when I was purposefully filling my RAM for testing I don’t think more than 16GB is needed. Those of you doing lots of video editing being the exception of course.
I have 32gb of ram.
Lat night windows did an upgrade. It is noticeably quicker this morning -- so far.
I generally wait a while until most of the unforeseen glitches have been sorted .......... having said that I really should upgrade to windows 7 ..:eek: