windows 7 and creating a partition

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The August 2009 of PC Pro has an article on creating a partition for installing Windows 7.

If I have drive C and the spare/data drive which is drive D which one do I install Windows 7 on? I think PC Pro is suggesting then you would be given the option of which OS to use.

The magazine suggests you need at least 16gb of space so make sure you shrink the drive by at least that amount. Drive C will only shrink by 4366mb whereas D will shrink by over 75000mb. The article suggests you put it on your main volume.

So which one do I shrink to create the new drive?

I'm confused!
question - why do you want to create the partition?

I think they're suggesting that so you don't write over your existing files and can easily delete the partition without having to reinstall Vista again.
It doesn't matter which one you shrink to create the partition, as long as you have enough room to install Windows 7. You will get a boot menu once installed offering you to boot Vista or W7, and although W7 will not be on your 'C' drive, it will install it's boot files there, hence the boot menu.

I installed it once myself, but never noticed how much room it took up on the drive - can't see it taking up 16Gb though, that would be ridiculous!
Thanks for advice everyone. Much appreciated. Just got to be brave now!!!
The other option (well feature) if you go windows 7 only (me) is that the OS creates a separate partition to house all the system files. Makes the system more stable and easier to recover with out destroying what you have on the drive.