Wine and crisps

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An experiment for me, using flash and ambient light, to create this pic, hope you enjoy,

I learnt alot doing it,


When i saw the title i was thinking "i hope its not a bottle of buckfast and a packet of hoola hoops" :LOL: .Im glad its not, Id say its a nice shot but with the colour of the wine maybe a slightly lighter colour of background would be in order just to seperate the wine and the background.
Great concept and very well executed, although I do agree with Andy on the lighter background - not too much, just enough to give the edges of the glass and bottle a little more definition and seperation. Great shot though, give yourself a pat on the back and a sip of that wine :)
thanks for the comments, appreciated, as winter approached there will be a few more indoor projects
:eek: indoor projects, winter has so many amazing possibilities for photos outside...just get a big wooly jumper a hat and a thermos with coffee and you're good to go.
:eek: indoor projects, winter has so many amazing possibilities for photos outside...just get a big wooly jumper a hat and a thermos with coffee and you're good to go.

:plus1: I've been out with the camera down to -12C to say I was cold was a understatement :LOL:
When I bought the 400mm it was a bit frosty too! especially with the wife lol



I live about 10 miles from Warehouse express and will often pop in there to pick up a small something....... if she is in the car.... "I'll have a bit of a look round love, do you want to come in or stay in the car.....?".. If she comes in.... Will buy a £5 spudz..... if she stays in the car... well... anything can happen.....

Last time I went to pick up a printer cartridge, and walked out with £818 of K5.....:shake: well was rude not to....

Needless to say, she wasn't in the car! Or inside!!!!

As to the pic, I like the concept, but for me, need to separate the wine and the background. Also the no label idea, makes it look like a cheapy homemade bottle...