Winter Roving Angler

To be honest Alan I don't think he was interested, I asked if I could take pictures and he said ok.
Once he started chatting about fishing I thought I wasn't getting home tonight :)
Very nice fella though.

Same happened to me once with a fisherman... He was happy enough to be snapped as he got on with it but wasn't interested in seeing the pictures. It must be what they're like :D
Same happened to me once with a fisherman... He was happy enough to be snapped as he got on with it but wasn't interested in seeing the pictures. It must be what they're like :D

As an angler myself, I suggest that he's only be interested in looking at pictures where he is holding his catch....... And taking his eye off of his ket could end up with his rod in the water (been there, done that, those Barbel are bloody strong!!)
As an angler myself, I suggest that he's only be interested in looking at pictures where he is holding his catch....... And taking his eye off of his ket could end up with his rod in the water (been there, done that, those Barbel are bloody strong!!)
Yes I nearly lost a rod that way too years ago when I fished. Sadly there's no known Barbel in that stretch although they have been caught a couple of miles upstream.
He'd had one smallish Chubb, and he moved off for a last hour at another swim as I was leaving, intending to fish the first hour of darkness.
As an angler myself, I suggest that he's only be interested in looking at pictures where he is holding his catch....... And taking his eye off of his ket could end up with his rod in the water (been there, done that, those Barbel are bloody strong!!)

Actually that incident of mine above was in the UK with a fellow northerner but I forgot about a fishing trip I was invited to go on when I was in Kazakhstan, the fishermen were very keen to be snapped and even hassled me for the raws :D
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As an angler myself, I suggest that he's only be interested in looking at pictures where he is holding his catch....... And taking his eye off of his ket could end up with his rod in the water (been there, done that, those Barbel are bloody strong!!)
But there are few better feelings in the world than when that rod whips around like that! Hell of a rush!
Yes I nearly lost a rod that way too years ago when I fished. Sadly there's no known Barbel in that stretch although they have been caught a couple of miles upstream.
He'd had one smallish Chubb, and he moved off for a last hour at another swim as I was leaving, intending to fish the first hour of darkness.
But there are few better feelings in the world than when that rod whips around like that! Hell of a rush!
Barbel on the Kennet were my downfall. 2 hours without a bite, so I did the unthinkable, got the flask out and boom, my rod but smacked me in the face :LOL: It was only about 4 or 5lbs as I remember..... Still, a Barbel is a Barbel!
Very nice candid style capture Keith, great sense of concentration on the guy's face.
Thanks George, I was pleased with how it came out :)

I think it's really good.

I think his posture speaks of patience and anticipation and maybe a bit of wishing he'd get a nibble :D
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Barbel on the Kennet were my downfall. 2 hours without a bite, so I did the unthinkable, got the flask out and boom, my rod but smacked me in the face :LOL: It was only about 4 or 5lbs as I remember..... Still, a Barbel is a Barbel!
Pike fishing on a local backwater in winter a good few years back, and after a good while without a sniff I started unwrapping the Mars Bar. Off went the float.
Fortunately with a pike on deadbait I had time on my side and caught it, typical backwater Jackpike around 3-4lbs.
Obviously I tried the Mars Bar voodoo several times after and of course it never worked again,
I think it's really good.

I think his posture speaks of patience and anticipation and maybe a bit of wishing he'd get a nibble :D
He'd had one small Chubb earlier, and he was very focussed, a very experienced guy who travels around fishing various places, nice chap.