Wolu eBay shop - anyone used them?

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Hi all,

I just wondered if anyone had experience of using an eBay shop called Wolu? They are London based, and appear to have some good prices. I'm always a little bit wary of eBay and like to do due diligence first - so any views / experiences are welcomed :)

I'm looking to buy a Tamron 17-50 from them, and they seem to have a competitive price. It's slightly more than from Digitalrev or One Stop Digital, but quite a bit less than some of the more trusted suppliers such as WEX. I'm trying to decide where best to buy, and why. Second hand would be my preference (for price reasons!), but they don't seem to come up all too frequently and they go very quickly!

Nik :)
They are grey market items but if you don't mind that, then I think they are quite a reputable company. Best bet is to do a google search on them and see what pops up.
Dont think I would use them! Most of the reviews look as if they wrote them their selves! They are VERY similar, and the language does not seem quite 'right' Thats just my impression. The only review that seems genuine is quite scathing, alarms just ring in my head!

Personally, I would stay clear.
they might have written the reviews just to defend themselves as they are very new and have to survive in the crazy internet world. I think I saw one lad in equipment threads, who said that he had bought from them. search the TP .
+ I think at the moment they have couple of feedbacks in ebay already.

but - don't take my word for it . Investigate yourself.
Thanks for the comments (and for moving the thread - apologies for posting in the wrong place!).

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is meant by 'grey market items'? Does this simply mean they are imports from the east, rather than items which have been specifically provided for the UK market? If this is the case, does anyone know the specifics of the Tamron warranty for these types of items? Wolu seem to claim that they supply with good warranties, but I assume if my assumption above is correct that they only option is to go through them for warranty issues - which may not be all that wise if the company isn't well established and could potentially cease to exist. I wouldn't have too many worries of this happening with the likes of WEX, and if it did then I'm sure I would have more protection through the manufacturer for a genuine UK item.

All advice welcome :)
I think "Grey" means that the VAT hasn't been paid by the wolu or similar shop. black would probably mean that they were stolen :D
I was going to get a lens from them & as they're based (Canary Wharf) not that far away from me so I asked about collection (which was possible in their listing) but then I would've had to wait at least a week before I could collect..

I knew that they were imported/grey market anyway - but to wait at least a week for a lens to collect when they reckon they can be sent out on a next day delivery :cautious:

I just decided to by a UK model & so went elsewhere & got a UK model delivered the next working day... All for the sake of a £20 saving...

edit: I needed the lens for a wedding & their next day & dispatch wouldn't have turned up in time for it hence I went elsewhere or asked about a collection... Before any one has a dig :razz:
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Been reading up on them and they seem decidely dodgy. Some people havent had issues, but a lot have and thier manager seems like a bloke you wouldnt want too spend too much time with.

Spend the extra and get it from a proper shop, not worth the hassle.
As my old english teacher once said.....

"If in doubt - then leave it out"

Has always worked for me....
I'd go for it. I've bought a couple of lenses through them on ebay and it's arrived next day as advertised. Obviously I know I only get 2 year warranty through them