World cinema

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Anyone here into world cinema ?
I'm especially into Asian films like seven samurai and old boy
Old boy is something else not seen anything like it a revenge thriller with a brilliant plot :)
The Hong Kong cop films are great too like Infernal affairs which was remade by Hollywood
I must be in a minority as most people haven't even heard of most of these films , just wondered if anyone here's into it
I love world cinema (and world music), films that come from a different culture and give a different perspective on life are always worth watching.

Kurosawa is probably the most famous of my likes, his Rashomon, Yojimbo and Ran are all classics.
City of God is excellent
Let the right one in
German anti war films, All quiet on the Western Front and Das Boot.
Persepolis for its insight into life in Iran after the revolution.
and millions more..
Another fan here. Although I prefer to just call it cinema :) French, Korean, Hong Kong mostly.
I don't mind them but it's the Daughter that's a big fan,loads of DVD's that include Death Note,Host,K20,The Raid,'Good Bad and the weird',IP man to name but a few
Personally not that keen on anything dubbed though
I used to enjoy French cinema when I was 14:nuts:

City of God was excellent:)
Love world cinema - Old Boy (The "revenge" trilogy this is part of is great)Battle Royale, Mesrine, Headhunters, The Raid to name a few.

Most Asian films i like contain martial arts of some form - Master with cracked fingers, Snake in the Eagle's shadow etc Newer ones like Ong Bak are classics.

For any Jackie Chan fans, i highly recommend watching the Shinjuku Incident, cracking film and you won't have seen him in a role like this before.
Don't know many asian films aside from those of Kurosawa. You might try Snake of June, but may end up thinking "what the (expletive) did I just watch?" though!

European cinema is more my thing, think I've listed some of my favourites in other topics previously.
Quite a few in here then :)
It was seven samurai that started me off its still my fav too :)
Have watched most of the kurosawa films all excellent
Also really good from the same era is Tokyo story its a simple family story but brilliantly acted and written
Just bought I'm a cyborg by the same director as old boy supposed to be good but not watched it yet
Antihero is right about troll hunter I thought it would be crap but its brilliant not meant to be taken seriously
Also into anime my favs are the studio gibli films like princess mononoke
Studio Gibli stuff is great, love Spirited Away.

Infernal Affairs is a classic.

La Haine probably my favourite French film.
Some good ones referenced here already, and I really feel like I should watch La Haine at some point.

I love world cinema, more so Asian films, both the more relatively well known stuff and the (possibly) not so well known stuff from yesteryear. I dont keep up as much with the newer releases other than Korean ones (Musa being the first one that sold me on Korean films and War of the Arrows and My Way being the last ones I saw).

I have a largish collection of other world cinema, more 'exploitation' I suppose than proper 'cinema', though things like Turkish Superman / ET / Star Wars / Exorcist, category 3 films from China such as Eternal Evil of Asia, Indonesian daftness like Rambu, Mystics in Bali and the Stabilizer have to be seen and appreciated!