Worst day of my life...

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I was asked to take a few photos at a local charity event.

The location was a small critcket club, disco lights flashing, poor lighting and little old me having never used a flash before.

It was an experience that i am not sure i would like to do again, not until i get a bit more experience doing indoor work in poor light.

C + C welcome






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For a first attempt at this kinda thing I'd say you've not bad, you've avoided usual mistake 1 of using direct flash. What flash we're you using? The light spread looks very narrow for bouncing it off the ceiling? The shots themselves all have potential if you ask me, definitely not a total loss
And what did you most struggle with, the technical side or actually dealing with people?

the technical side.......... hadn't got a clue what setting to use. i ended up on full auto.

I did try some manual setting, but failed.

I enjoyed myself, but i can see some serious reading coming and poss a course or 2
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Thats good. Technicalities are easy to iron, the only thing you need is knowledge and practice.

We were discussing flash use the other day and it turned in to a really good thread with useful tips and links (I learnt something very important that I didn't know about flash!). Worth skimming through at least :)


Cheers for that Phil, i will have a read when i get home this evening.

They are not as bad as your title suggests, the second one is a great shot. A couple could do with a little PP to brighten them up.

Thank you Nick

Funny thing is i did some PP, but to darken the down so it would show how it was on the night.

I like number 2, that pic got me a drink.
Again not bad for a first go. I really like number 2, I would crop out a lot of the top of the photograph. The problem with these sort of small venues is that they are not really "photogenic" places. In number 2 there is not a lot you can do about the coke fridge for example. Most of my work do's are at venues like this it is not easy. I always take my camera along in a non official capacity, it gives me a lot of practice without the pressure.
I don't think that's a bad attempt.

I made the mistake of thinking switching to dSLR means flash is something that's automatic and dead easy. How wrong was I? I barely use my 430.
it's not too tough

in most cases - switch to manual on camera - set shutter speed to 160 or 200 (if your flash can sync this fast) - slower is fine if you want a bit more ambient light and movement isn't to fast and for indoors bounce off the ceiling (most of the time)
Again not bad for a first go. I really like number 2, I would crop out a lot of the top of the photograph. The problem with these sort of small venues is that they are not really "photogenic" places. In number 2 there is not a lot you can do about the coke fridge for example. Most of my work do's are at venues like this it is not easy. I always take my camera along in a non official capacity, it gives me a lot of practice without the pressure.

Cheers Iain.
Agree with the crop.

didi you bounce the flash off the ceiling - that can really help

this guy does some great teaching for using a flash


Thanks Sheridant for the link.
i did bounce off the ceiling, but i didn't use the diffuser

I don't think that's a bad attempt.

I made the mistake of thinking switching to dSLR means flash is something that's automatic and dead easy. How wrong was I? I barely use my 430.

Cheers Johnny.

if only flash was automatic

it's not too tough

in most cases - switch to manual on camera - set shutter speed to 160 or 200 (if your flash can sync this fast) - slower is fine if you want a bit more ambient light and movement isn't to fast and for indoors bounce off the ceiling (most of the time)

Thank you again.

Some great advice and links.

Thank you all again. (y)
I usually dislike selective colouring but I think how you have used it here is pretty good.

I would crop out the stuff that isn't needed i.e the guy on the left who is only part in the photo, the empty ceiling space and probably the tv on the right so the whole frame is filled with the girls and the balloons.

I think you did really well :)
ryanyboy said:
What did you learn that you didn't know?

TTL flash and that you can use it to balance light without making shadows.

This may sound novice but I never ever use TTL flash, its always either off camera manual or ambient only...

Have to say it has made a massive improvement to my shots.
TishA said:
I usually dislike selective colouring but I think how you have used it here is pretty good.

I would crop out the stuff that isn't needed i.e the guy on the left who is only part in the photo, the empty ceiling space and probably the tv on the right so the whole frame is filled with the girls and the balloons.

I think you did really well :)

Cheers TishA

Points taken on board.

I have to admit I am a sucker for selective colour,

Thank you for your comments.

Bad news is I have been asked to attend again in December, so I better get up to speed with flash photography.
