Would you consider this a new camera?

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In the motor trade, delivery miles is anything less than 200! Anyway, I bought a brand new D7000 from a reputable shop over the counter yesterday. Got it home and as soon as I opened the box it was obvious I wasn't the first to do so. Everything was wrapped in the original plastic, but not in the neat way I expect from Nikon. A loose Euro power cord was placed behind the manual - which, by the way, was in German from cover to cover.

Inserting the battery and turning on showed that the camera menus were also in German. I shot two frames only, just to check EXIF (shooting two confirms that the sequential file numbering isn't the problem). anyway, it shows this:

Would you consider this a new camera? by danbroad1000, on Flickr

The retailer has sorted things out, and apologised: There's an internal investigation going on, and so theres no need to name names. Anyway, obvious issues aside, how many shutter releases do you expect when you see a new camera? None? One to five? Do Nikon, for example, fire off a few frames on every camera to ensure they've put it together properly? Anybody know, perhaps those who've visited a factory?
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All my cameras have been zero. I would take it back & ask for a camera in a sealed box that has not been used. That looks like either a return or a display model. Also with everything being in German, it makes me wonder if its an import?
looks like quite a few places do this now, i bought a "new" 50D from buyacamera and checked the shutter count, it had already done a few hundred!! not impressed and they wouldn't exchange. I also got to thinking that it may be an import.

If I told you the retailer you'd be surprised.... They're very much on the TP 'cool' list... Definitely not a grey import company.

It's going back, of course, along with the lenses I bought at the same time, as I can't quite believe they'd let this happen. I'll let you know how they deal with this!

edit: a personal phone call from the manager - they're going to investigate internally and offered to courier me out a replacement immediately. So, balance restored, and the good name of the retailer preserved.
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