Would you "pap" someone?

Well if i saw brown on holiday i would hit him with the longest lens i had.:LOL::p:D
I think I would have to get a pic or 2. I would also get a pic of me with them ;)
Definitely not! If they're on holiday they deserve some peace - just like me:) I've shot a couple of weddings which celebs turned up either guests or to watch the Bride arrive but would never pap them...
No. I probably wouldn't recognise a "Celebrity" if I saw one - I haven't a clue who Katie Price is - and I don't take photographs of people as a rule. I don't sell photographs either, this is a private hobby.
It would depend on who it was - if it was a celebrity who courts publicity (like Ms. Price) I would have no hesitation. If, however, it was someone who actively avoids publicity, I wouldn't.

Which would, of course, be a mistake, since a photo of someone who keeps a very low profile would be worth a lot more!
I honestly doubt I'd recognize a celebrity, and if I did, I guess I'd go for a few photographs if they were doing something out of the ordinary, or that I'd think the papers would be interested in. Not something I'd pursue as a career though.
Providing I felt safe doing so (ie that they weren't the sort of celebrity who would turn violent) and if the celeb appeared relaxed then yes, I would - they're quite used to it. And I'm safe in the knowledge that I can probably run faster than most of them.
In private - No (and haven't). In public/on-set/etc - Yes (and have).

Then again, I meet "celebs" every day, so maybe I have a different perspective. I know that if I took that picture or video at the wrong moment, I'd wave goodbye to a career. I also know that the market for "celeb pap" shots is actually a lot smaller than people might think - Hello! etc etc buy particular shots of certain people from particular paps to fit editorial choices - they aren't just waiting for completely random shots of some z-list non-entity to come rolling-in from readers like a form of celebritity readers' wives :eek: ...most of it is as scripted and posed as an apperance on daytime TV, even if it is on a yacht off Dubai or whatever...

I've also been on the recieving end of Paps many times, and its not a particularly pleasant experience, not just the being knocked-over by the scrum when you are trying to work and they are let in to their positions, but the bizarre incidents like you are just standing waiting for the lift and xxx stands next to you and the people loitering at the window who you'd taken no notice of suddenly all have a d3 that appears from nowhere under their coat...you suddenly feel the searchlight of never having a private moment - its not pleasant.
As above, depends on the situation.

Shooting a wedding and the hotel was open to the public. Some big Stoke City football player was in the lounge with his family, lots of guests saying who he was and to take photos but I didn't. It wasn't news worthy and it was personal.

If however he was screwing a hooker round the back of the hotel I might have fired a few shots off :D
If however he was screwing a hooker round the back of the hotel I might have fired a few shots off :D

Yeah! but what about getting some pictures? :D
So all you guys that answered yes, you would be comfortable paping in this situation?

You tube video
I wouldn't do it.

Firstly it smacks of massaging already over inflated ego's.
Secondly, it's not the reason I took up photography.

They are both my own particular choices and I understand others quite fancy the new age autograph hunting.
I did pap someone a year back that I could've got good money for but decided against selling it so it's stashed away. I did pap the papparazzi recently which was funny as they were all getting rather narked at me!
I did pap the papparazzi recently which was funny as they were all getting rather narked at me!

you mean like sitting on the south bank at the back of LWT (sorry, TLS...) doing this sort of photo... strangely enough they don't always like it... :LOL::clap:(y)

I had the opportunity to "pap" ex-England cricket captain Nasser Hussain.

I was out with my family at a local farm (Tropical Wings for anyone who knows it) and I saw him out with his family.

Now being a massive cricket fan I have to admit to being a little star struck :nuts:

Seeing as he was with his family and it was October/November time I knew he'd be heading off to Australia very soon with Sky Sports so I was conscious that this might be one of the last weekends he had with his wife & kids.

My Dad went and got his autograph and bumped into him a little later and shook his hand and said hi...... with my camera dangling round my neck :LOL: