
The address - 168 Church Road, Brighton, BN3 2DL - appears to be a chartered accountancy called UHY Hacker Young. No sign of a camera shop on Street View.

This could be the latest manifestation of something that keeps popping up with different names and turns out to be less than it claims.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Moving to the Shopping and Suppliers forum.
Sorry can't help other than a few thoughts.

All the reviews of the company on the 'net are good but I have found very few in total.

The company was incorporated in 2003.

The registrant address for the website is that of the chartered accountant. That could be just for convenience, but it could also indicate there are no physical premises in the UK.

I chose one camera at random (7D + 18-85mm) and their price is more than two other dealers.
