Yellow flower - ID if poss not essential though!!!

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This is growing in my garden, I didn't plant it, so to me it's a weed!! If anyone knows what it is, that would be great :)

I liked the bright colours against the black but I focused on the back flowers rather than the front ones, merely because there were more of them - is that wrong - should I focus on the front ones? Or just increase the DOF? Your C&C very welcome ;)

This might be way out but it looks like one of the Fumitory family, Yellow Corydalis(Pseudofumaria lutea) which is classed as a weed.
Love the shot, sorry not able to comment, not enough ability on composing.
This might be way out but it looks like one of the Fumitory family, Yellow Corydalis(Pseudofumaria lutea) which is classed as a weed.
Love the shot, sorry not able to comment, not enough ability on composing.

Quite correct :) also known as Yellow Larkspur, a lovely wildflower.
Looks good LadyP, I think I would increase the dof a bit, looks a little soft too but soft can be good.(y)
I don't know what the flowers are but they are a bit like the weedy things we get in our wildlife patch. Weeds can be nice :)

I notice you were in AV mode but only selected f/5.0. You will get more dof behind the point of focus compared to in front of the point of focus. For this shot you probably need f5.6 at least and maybe f/8 because you are reasonably close to the subject (this affect dof as well). The other issue you have is that due to the available light and ISO100 the shutter speed selected is only 1/25 so I suspect there is a little blur there as well. You could try flash or upping the ISO to get something like 1/125 at f/8. You need a very still evening to get these type of flower shots sharp.

I don't know what the flowers are but they are a bit like the weedy things we get in our wildlife patch. Weeds can be nice :)

I notice you were in AV mode but only selected f/5.0. You will get more dof behind the point of focus compared to in front of the point of focus. For this shot you probably need f5.6 at least and maybe f/8 because you are reasonably close to the subject (this affect dof as well). The other issue you have is that due to the available light and ISO100 the shutter speed selected is only 1/25 so I suspect there is a little blur there as well. You could try flash or upping the ISO to get something like 1/125 at f/8. You need a very still evening to get these type of flower shots sharp.


Now that's the kind of useful advice us noobs like! (y)