Yer more Welsh Rugby

It feels like that. First sunny day for 3 weeks, pitch very heavy still as waterlogged. Starting to get dark a bit later now as well which helps photos - actually managed some NOT at 1600 iso for once. Didn't last long though - heavens opened and i got soaked on the way home and its been raining ever since.
What settings were you using out of interest, they're very sharp and I struggled when taking rugby photos a while ago
EXIF is on the original if you go to the image on flickr (it strips off smaller).

However generally TV mode, shutter speed 1/500th. ISO 800 or 1600.

AI servo mode (all points), centre weighted average metering and continuous shot.

Main issue is shutter speed, less than 1/500th and things blur. That does mean a lot of the shots especially in winter are underexposed and need to be brought up in PP (as is the case with a few here. #6 and #7 were under exposed by 1.15 stops or so for example.

I did experiment with AV mode and wide open but found that due to my slow lens ( cheap tamron £80 f/4-5.6) it often dropped the shutter speed too low resulting in blur.