Yongnou dual flash

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I own this and the power output seems to have got less as ETTL it doesn't work and even Manual 1/1 or 1/2 is not that powerful.

Can it be fixed? Or do I need a new flash? If so any suggestions?
two things come to mind -capacitor and or flash filaments . you could either try soldering in new if either failing depend on parts availability . You don't say how much use the gear has had. If heavy use i would go for new and then keep the old for spares
two things come to mind -capacitor and or flash filaments . you could either try soldering in new if either failing depend on parts availability . You don't say how much use the gear has had. If heavy use i would go for new and then keep the old for spares
Heavy use - what spares can I get from the old?
what I use is this setup


top flashguns Nkon and meke for nikon

the advantage is I can either have them on top of the camera or any combination plus add more guns if necessary, the trigger can also control power output to individual guns.
This is what I would suggest instead . The King controller also has a pass through system allowing a gun to sit on top so you could have one gun on the camera and several spaced around, far more flexable arrangement

just to give some idea, and if one componant fails you don't hav e to replace everything

link for canon. the pixel king has the through pass on the trigger, many don't

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avmMrzvamAs
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with this arrangement you could get pictures with amazing shadows. for example just took this in our kitchen



both guns fired remotely (14 x AA batteries needed)

2 for master =2
4 for each gun = 8
2 for each receivers =4
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Thanks that looks great, I should have said I am using it 100% for my MPE65 out of interest what would the same photo look like with just on camera flash?
Thanks that looks great, I should have said I am using it 100% for my MPE65 out of interest what would the same photo look like with just on camera flash?
just posted with on camera flash only as a direct comparison. Nikon D810 with tamron 24-70mm G2 lens for you, camera flash only. what do you think? i prefer the one using flashguns the bottom one looks flat in comparison. The advantage is you can add as many flashguns as you want all triggered from your camera. so one group could be set to be very bright and another goup to be dim, all from the same transmitter although setting up would take a long time I guess and even a third group if you were crazy enough. ;)
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just posted with on camera flash only as a direct comparison. Nikon D810 with tamron 24-70mm G2 lens for you, camera flash only. what do you think? i prefer the one using flashguns the bottom one looks flat in comparison. The advantage is you can add as many flashguns as you want all triggered from your camera. so one group could be set to be very bright and another goup to be dim, all from the same transmitter although setting up would take a long time I guess and even a third group if you were crazy enough. ;)
I think with more flashes it looks better, thanks a lot