Yongnuo 560 iii and rf603n trigger problem

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Hi guys

I'm new to speedlights but had to buy a new one as my Nissin di466 didn't have a hot central pin so wouldn't work wirelessly unless in slave mode.

I just got the 560iii after reading that it would work with my triggers. It doesn't. It will fires on the camera hot shoe. That's it. No blue light when trying to fire wirelessly.

Any ideas before I have to return it? TIA
Correct channel's on both transmitter and receiver , fresh batteries .
The above review mentions a setting for setting the flash up for 602/603 use .
Also doesn't this flash have a receiver built in , so you don't need to use a 603 on the guns hot shoe just set the channel on the flash ?
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Correct channel's on both transmitter and receiver , fresh batteries .
The above review mentions a setting for setting the flash up for 602/603 use .
Also doesn't this flash have a receiver built in , so you don't need to use a 603 on the guns hot shoe just set the channel on the flash ?

Yep, I have the same combo and works well. Do as suggest by Big John.
Thx guys. I'll try again shortly. Having no luck so far with OCF :)
Have a look at the manual or youtube videos on how to set them up. With regards to OCF have you done any reading or watched and vids?
Got it working! Now to practice! Thanks for the link Big John and thanks to everyone else for replying :)

I thought the manual was rubbish. I learnt more from the link Big John put up. You Tube is very hit or miss but I've watched a few. Plenty more to watch.

I went on an OCF workshop a week ago. That's how I found out my speedlight was an issue leading me to buy the 560. I'm reading Bryan Peterson's flash book and have Neil Van Niekerk's OCF book to read too - it looks really good and was recommended.
Got it working! Now to practice! Thanks for the link Big John and thanks to everyone else for replying :)

I thought the manual was rubbish. I learnt more from the link Big John put up. You Tube is very hit or miss but I've watched a few. Plenty more to watch.

I went on an OCF workshop a week ago. That's how I found out my speedlight was an issue leading me to buy the 560. I'm reading Bryan Peterson's flash book and have Neil Van Niekerk's OCF book to read too - it looks really good and was recommended.
Glad you're all sorted.
Those book recommendations wouldn't have been my choice (mostly because I hate the constant recommendation of 'Understanding Exposure' which ought to have been rewritten properly 10 years ago).
In order I'd recommend: the speedlighters handbook - Syl Arena (everyone should own this book)
The hotshoe diaries - Joe McNally (the writings quirky but there's loads of inspirational ideas)
Light Science and Magic - for the nerdy, when you want to know why and how light works.
Great news that you got it sorted , you just need to get out there and have a play .
Don't forget to put up some of your results ;)
John .
Thanks Phil. I'd shortlisted two of those books for my next purchase! Have to say I'm seriously excited at what you can achieve with OCF :)