Yongnuo v Phottix triggers

... Apologies to Phil and others who felt I was putting PWs down. It was not what I think.

No need for the apologies, I've learnt a new strength of the YN's today. Despite being a PW flex user I've said many times, if I was starting again tomorrow I'd go with the Yongnuo's. But that doesn't mean I think they're the best option, just the best VFM (and who doesn't care about VFM these days).

Like Richard I still think that the PW Flex system is the superior one - but whether they're worth the extra money? That's a different question. But as photographers, we live in a highly technical world and we often have to pay a large premium for a small gain in performance.
Is it possible to use the 622's as a remote shutter release also? I see theres no cable provided to do this but seeing as the 602's could do it can these?
Ben6 - No. The 622s are designed to go between a camera's flash control menus and remote flashes, and a shutter release is outside that brief. Just use a set of 602s or similar. I use the Pixel Soldier as a release.