Yongnuo YN-468

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Hi, I currently have an older jessops flash which I used yesterday on my Canon 550D and it worked perfectly but it was very slow to fire twice and it required a good few seconds to 're-charge' until it was ready again. Is this generic to all small hotshoe flashes or would the Yongnuo YN-468 be any better? I was also looking at the Canon 430 EX II, would that be any quicker at firing more than once without requiring a gap?

Pretty much all small hotshoe flashes will take a couple of seconds or more to recycle (depending on the power settings you are using on the flash) however, the batteries you using will have an effect on how quickly any flash recharges. If you're using, say, the "12 for £1" types then recycle will be very slow, ideally you need rechargeables - something like Sanyo Eneloops (or 7dayshop's version "Good 2 Go") or some of the "regular" ones with mAh rating of 2700 or more.
Thanks for that, I'll try rechargables in it and see if that helps, hopefully it gets a little faster because it is painfully slow at the moment...