York Minster

Hi Vanner

Very moody indeed, and very impressive. I like these, you have processed them very well, especially taking into account the subject matter. Nice job Vanner.
Great shots, particularly the 1st, very dramatic and gothic. The only thing I don't quite like in the 1st one is the lamp. I'm not sure the shot would look right from any other angle though so missing it out probably would not work so the only thing, for me, would have been to get it bang on in line with the main strut of the large window.
Tiny nitpick really as they are great shots anyway.

i prefer the 2nd shot, the lamp just spoils the first shot for me unfortunately
Like the processing, very dramatic. Nit picking it is but agree with Andysnap regarding the symmetry of the first and the top of the light poking into the shot on the second image. Both good but of the two think I prefer the second.
because of the imperfect symmetry of the first I prefer the second, but both are very pleasant (and obviously gothic)
Superb shots (y) especially the first :clap: