Young Hare....

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....more of a teenager than a Leveret??

Waiting for the owls to show yesterday evening and this young hare came trotting down the lane. Certainly looked like a young 'un, last years maybe??

It didn't panic but hung around a minute or two, even posing nicely up on its back legs for a few photos

All C&C welcome, cheers :)

Young Hare by Phil D, on Flickr

Hare 2 resized.jpg

Hare 3 resized.jpg
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These are excellent shots Phil, the fact that it wasn't to wary of you has helped as is its 'youth' I guess ... nicely taken.
Jealous ... really, really very jealous! :D
These are excellent shots Phil, the fact that it wasn't to wary of you has helped as is its 'youth' I guess ... nicely taken.
Jealous ... really, really very jealous! :D

Thanks Roger, was fortunate with the pose on its hind legs, I was with Dan and Lynn and they both missed the shot! :D

Not sure on the shallow dof but I think getting down low and the hare being close to the grass bank, possibly makes it appear shallower than it is.
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Lovely little hairy model. I like the out of focus area too, tell me it is natural depth of field and not some cotton wool gadget on phhotoshop or something (a bit too sharp edged on the front out of focus area which makes me think if is photoshop).
They're all really good but my favourite is the 2nd - all ears and curiosity. It also really shows off the physique and the power in those hind legs.

Thanks Jan

Very good luck you


Lovely little hairy model. I like the out of focus area too, tell me it is natural depth of field and not some cotton wool gadget on phhotoshop or something (a bit too sharp edged on the front out of focus area which makes me think if is photoshop).

Thanks Charles, dof is all natural, no photoshop trickery, I was nearly on the floor!! They've had some noise reduction though, first was shot @ 4000 ISO, other two @ 5000 ISO :)
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Ha Ha wicked,lets go with leveret,cause it simply still is.

Phil aren't they awesome,oh god sorry mate but ya know,I can't help it.;)

Ok now the crit thang,you already know I love them all right:rolleyes:,so now that's put to bed,first should have gone to portrait,god what going to that and flipping back has cost me but you'ld have had more pixies :D on subject and no reason to keep what is right of left of him/her

Second crop up from bottom in fromRHS on the blur line at the base poss still keep to 3:2 just pull it in abit. This biggest thing for me is those more or less in focus grasses RHS how are they gonna work?? Phil you are way ahead of me on post work,you know where you can take this without compromising detail,it's a tiny web pic mate I'm viewing i'm not confident enough to be exact,just look at a couple or three hare pics of late

Third possibly portrait again this is where and why I continuously tie my self in knots,one minute one orientation seconds later the other,but we ain't after mediocre so maybe stuff gets sacrificed in the quest give it a tip clockwinse to offset road camber beastie ain't level togs don't like this, even if that is exactly how it was you have to think of me your viewer.:p..funny as Phil:D but what can i say??

mate have managed to access techs for last maybe the f8 could have come down for last,just a smidge 7.1? put ya techs up ya rascal this is hard enough for me as it is,lmao I don't always either;)

Phil I think you can extract more pop you are way more advanced in post than I ,I feel they are all slightly bright,a bit more contrast might help ,shot under grey sky at a guess,so maybe a touch of overal colour sat aswell, a touch mind!!! Colour is varible in leverets it's impossible to go further I'm a bit out of my depth here buddy,but I'm trying to bung everything I have been lucky enough to learn with my obsessionat at ya

This is 100% this years kidlet mate,there is no debate it is. I've watched them grow mate,it is incredibly rapid i'm seeing kids I know go threw this right now,last year I'd have been completely in the dark ,I'm guessing because this is incredibly tricky around 10weeks,too little knowledge and too many varibles ie lens mag distance to be more accurate,but I'm sure as houses this year's leveret,it def is not from last year,even if born in DEC too small shape etc etc

Finally personal fav is first all 3 rock but the first does it for me .Mate I haven't got to this yet in my own I have the images but want to cover this properly at some stage when I stop being an idiot and working all the time,to try and grab tool for togging . Look how they stand bro back legs...... tippy toes or flat foot,tis amazing what that does to the back line,how big their feet actually are and how they run on toes not feet

Lovely set mate a stupid joy to reply to,hope there is something in here that maybe helps just a little !!

Ha ha hard down there in the low ain't it,had a banging session last week a whole hour with two at times too close to even focus 400 or so images,but holy crap I tried to get up and simply didn't,jees mate I'm bloody fit for an old git,run most 20year olds of today into the ground,but ouch

sorry mate country file are on my patch need to see

be lucky mate

Stu, firstly, thanks for a great reply, appreciated mate (y)

,lets go with leveret,cause it simply still is.

Thanks mate, I really wasn't sure, it just looked older than I imagined it should for the time of year, hence the ??, but I'm 100% behind ya if you say it's still definitely a leveret (y)

Ok now the crit thang,you already know I love them all right:rolleyes:,so now that's put to bed,first should have gone to portrait,god what going to that and flipping back has cost me but you'ld have had more pixies :D on subject and no reason to keep what is right of left of him/her

Second crop up from bottom in fromRHS on the blur line at the base poss still keep to 3:2 just pull it in abit. This biggest thing for me is those more or less in focus grasses RHS how are they gonna work?? Phil you are way ahead of me on post work,you know where you can take this without compromising detail,it's a tiny web pic mate I'm viewing i'm not confident enough to be exact,just look at a couple or three hare pics of late

Third possibly portrait again this is where and why I continuously tie my self in knots,one minute one orientation seconds later the other,but we ain't after mediocre so maybe stuff gets sacrificed in the quest give it a tip clockwinse to offset road camber beastie ain't level togs don't like this, even if that is exactly how it was you have to think of me your viewer.:p..funny as Phil:D but what can i say??

Yes, the portrait shot! If only I could remember I have the option :D I think I'm just so stuck on thinking everything has to be in landscape, portrait never enters me head. Was more fortunate with the last owl shot, it just sat there, I'd took quite a few shot before I tuned camera round into portrait :rolleyes:

Noted on the crops Stu, this is whats good about getting crit, people often see things that's easily missed when editing. I have to admit to not being too sure meself on the very shallow dof. They're all cropped but not heavy, certainly a bit of scope to change, I'll have another look and try the first in portrait (y)

The camber on the lane is there, its staying! :p I'm not going down that road again!! :D

Phil I think you can extract more pop you are way more advanced in post than I ,I feel they are all slightly bright,a bit more contrast might help ,shot under grey sky at a guess,so maybe a touch of overal colour sat aswell, a touch mind!!! Colour is varible in leverets it's impossible to go further I'm a bit out of my depth here buddy,but I'm trying to bung everything I have been lucky enough to learn with my obsessionat at ya

I'll admit, sometimes I think me pp'ing can look a bit 'harsh' if that's the right word. Last few shots I've tried to tone it down, maybe I'm now going more the other way :rolleyes: The sky was white cloud but fairly bright Stu, but the first was in more shadow with the sun setting, other two were out of the shade, but no sunlight.
Noted on the colour too, I'll add a touch when I re-work them (y)

Stu, thanks again mate, all crit noted, keep at them hares, I know how much ya love 'em and can see why, lovely creatures.

atb, phil
Very nice photos I personally like the low POV and shallow dof.

Thanks Martin, I keep looking but do think I'd have preferred the first with a deeper dof
put ya techs up ya rascal this is hard enough for me as it is,lmao I don't always either;)

Forgot this bit Stu

1st was 1/640th, f8, ISO 4000

2nd & 3rd, 1/800th, f6.3, ISO 5000, cheers
Thanks Martin, I keep looking but do think I'd have preferred the first with a deeper dof

Phil if you have room on the original you could try and crop some of the out of focus grass on the right a little closer to the Hare, so that the Hare is slightly more to the right of frame.That will give the effect of more DOF with the front 1/3 of the shot out of focus and 2/3 of the back also out of focus. The Hare strangely also seems to stare more at you rather than out of frame when I tried it. I know you have image editing to on but I am not one to do that but I have tried it and it seemed to work.

You were a bit on the limit for greater DOF anyway going to a smaller aperture would have thrown you ISO over 4000 or your shutter speed under 1/640 and at 600mm neither would be Ideal.
Another good set Phil - the first 2 in particular. The 3rd is just a bit too far off angle and is one of those really annoying 'nearly' shots for me.

I like the framing on the first, well processed again, maybe just keep an eye on the highlights on 2 and 3

Phil if you have room on the original you could try and crop some of the out of focus grass on the right a little closer to the Hare, so that the Hare is slightly more to the right of frame.That will give the effect of more DOF with the front 1/3 of the shot out of focus and 2/3 of the back also out of focus. The Hare strangely also seems to stare more at you rather than out of frame when I tried it. I know you have image editing to on but I am not one to do that but I have tried it and it seemed to work.

You were a bit on the limit for greater DOF anyway going to a smaller aperture would have thrown you ISO over 4000 or your shutter speed under 1/640 and at 600mm neither would be Ideal.

Thanks Martin, I was hoping to have a look at a couple of different crops by now, but haven't had chance but will try the crop you suggested, cheers (y)

Another good set Phil - the first 2 in particular. The 3rd is just a bit too far off angle and is one of those really annoying 'nearly' shots for me.

I like the framing on the first, well processed again, maybe just keep an eye on the highlights on 2 and 3


Thanks Mike, noted on the highlights, cheers :)
Phil mate it's nice to try and give a bit back,so rare I have that chance as a learner.... totally welcome bro.

Phil on the age I'd have been guessing last year I'm not expert bro,I have just been lucky enough to watch two kids in particular grow from somewhere around early march and take pics every few days more given the chance. Their growth is fast buddy,it also amazes me how they look like a total baby in one shot then seconds later look almost adult, it's the devils own job to ID age from pics bro!!

I miss alot through portrait landscape transition Phil especially when in real close they sit up which demands portrait then down to feed and I'm left wanting,but the movement the juggling as I sometimes call it betwixt the two orientations plus the focal point dance ha ha,is damn fine practice. If folkss saw what I have had to chuck it would bring tears,but we all got to learn buddy one way or another.

Ha no worries on the camber, I know,it's bird togs mate they mess with ya head:p.

Phil ,Mike brings up an important point,i've mentioned this possibly here possibly elsewhere can't recollect!! I've done some reading about making hare images,trying to arm myself as best I can:many times I've come across advice from togs about then being a relatively easy subject exposure wise,because they don't show much white. Again based on experiences of these last months i'd utterly contradict this. It's so damn easy to blow areas in bright light especially. The ears in particular demand attention,again I've learned the hard way buddy. Fur can also be very reflective especially in the lighter guys that carry the pale stripes either side of the face. I've been trying for the roll now for ages I guess few know or realise how oft a hare uses the ground as a back scratcher belly up is a complete mare mate. That white can go over so easily.

As I say buddy no expert ,just ickle bits i've picked up and a desire to give a bit back for all the kindness given.

Can't get at them the same now working all the time:(,but got to them yesterday,thought the spell had broken as these last couple of weeks have been mental.But last thing got Taz and Blaze together and it all clicked bar the light.which had gone. if I get my bit( fieldcraft) right it's amazing mate they just accept me being there completely,but it's an incredibly fragile thing. They are still wild still hypo and still apt to bolt, a plane had then both in the next county in over.

I think if one is dead infront they don't see terribly well,one has a chance then to get low especially with the kids(which is pretty much what I read in your pics) ,which can be a bit more tolerent. No sudden moves will keep them chilled and one might get a few shots away. But these two above have known me, seen me, day in day out, since being pretty tiny.I think it's that simple fact that has brought me so much luck and why they tolerate me. I can get in on the others mate over and over but it isn't the same senario.

tis so funny mate I just wanted a baby hare pic or two,a few grooming shots,cause I'm soft lmao and the boxing everyone goes for. Really wanted the boxing bro can't put it into words how much:rolleyes: and yet now I feel I 've been so lucky I can't really ask for more. Plus i'm after shots that I've not even seen anyone ever mention anywhere like the roll above. Ironically last two times out have seen hard core boxing just too far away for anything meaningful image wise and here we are in june

Mad march hares huh;)

Cheers for the reply Phil sorry slow

belucky mate

cracking shots
ya lucky begger

what did you get them with + settings
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Great shot.
Would also make a tasty jugged hare.
But it would have needed to be shot, shot, for that.
Phil mate it's nice to try and give a bit back,so rare I have that chance as a learner.... totally welcome bro.

Phil on the age I'd have been guessing last year I'm not expert bro,I have just been lucky enough to watch two kids in particular grow from somewhere around early march and take pics every few days more given the chance. Their growth is fast buddy,it also amazes me how they look like a total baby in one shot then seconds later look almost adult, it's the devils own job to ID age from pics bro!!

I miss alot through portrait landscape transition Phil especially when in real close they sit up which demands portrait then down to feed and I'm left wanting,but the movement the juggling as I sometimes call it betwixt the two orientations plus the focal point dance ha ha,is damn fine practice. If folkss saw what I have had to chuck it would bring tears,but we all got to learn buddy one way or another.

Ha no worries on the camber, I know,it's bird togs mate they mess with ya head:p.

Phil ,Mike brings up an important point,i've mentioned this possibly here possibly elsewhere can't recollect!! I've done some reading about making hare images,trying to arm myself as best I can:many times I've come across advice from togs about then being a relatively easy subject exposure wise,because they don't show much white. Again based on experiences of these last months i'd utterly contradict this. It's so damn easy to blow areas in bright light especially. The ears in particular demand attention,again I've learned the hard way buddy. Fur can also be very reflective especially in the lighter guys that carry the pale stripes either side of the face. I've been trying for the roll now for ages I guess few know or realise how oft a hare uses the ground as a back scratcher belly up is a complete mare mate. That white can go over so easily.

As I say buddy no expert ,just ickle bits i've picked up and a desire to give a bit back for all the kindness given.

Can't get at them the same now working all the time:(,but got to them yesterday,thought the spell had broken as these last couple of weeks have been mental.But last thing got Taz and Blaze together and it all clicked bar the light.which had gone. if I get my bit( fieldcraft) right it's amazing mate they just accept me being there completely,but it's an incredibly fragile thing. They are still wild still hypo and still apt to bolt, a plane had then both in the next county in over.

I think if one is dead infront they don't see terribly well,one has a chance then to get low especially with the kids(which is pretty much what I read in your pics) ,which can be a bit more tolerent. No sudden moves will keep them chilled and one might get a few shots away. But these two above have known me, seen me, day in day out, since being pretty tiny.I think it's that simple fact that has brought me so much luck and why they tolerate me. I can get in on the others mate over and over but it isn't the same senario.

tis so funny mate I just wanted a baby hare pic or two,a few grooming shots,cause I'm soft lmao and the boxing everyone goes for. Really wanted the boxing bro can't put it into words how much:rolleyes: and yet now I feel I 've been so lucky I can't really ask for more. Plus i'm after shots that I've not even seen anyone ever mention anywhere like the roll above. Ironically last two times out have seen hard core boxing just too far away for anything meaningful image wise and here we are in june

Mad march hares huh;)

Cheers for the reply Phil sorry slow

belucky mate


Thanks Stu, great information (y), knowledge goes along way when it comes to your quarry, cheers mate

cracking shots
ya lucky begger

what did you get them with + settings


D7200, sigma 150-600 c

1st was 1/640th, f8, ISO 4000

2nd & 3rd, 1/800th, f6.3, ISO 5000, cheers

Brilliantly caught, well done

Thanks Trish

Great shot.
Would also make a tasty jugged hare.
But it would have needed to be shot, shot, for that.

Thanks Terry.

I've eaten plenty of game, rabbits, ect but never tried hare, besides this ones far too cute for the pot! :p