Young Tawny

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One from the display by England Raptor Centre yesterday at an open day at my very local reserve.
After a good talk about how the Raptors survive ..or don' the wild we met this 18 week old Female Tawny Owl and watched her learn to fly to the hand at various distances.
The England Raptor Centre owner also told us that most Owls will be extinct in the wild in Britain in 20 years so captive breeding might be the only way we might see any.
Keith (y)

EDIT...Just to say NO CROP on this...and I think it helps with the detail.

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Lovely detailed shot Keith, but extinct in 20 years - what an incredibly sad and tragic thought that is! :(
i do wonder where he got that information from !!!!..extinct in 20 years..utter rubbish...was he waving a collecting tin by any chance!! nice pic of the tawny, which is a woodland owl, very common in the uk. We have in the UK 5 species of owl, ie tawny, little, barn, short eared and long eared..some say snowy..but debateable !!
Thanks everyone...

As MARKYBOY says they could be extinct now !!! Only ever seen one Tawny (1974) but have heard a few....

A pair of Snowies MIGHT get around to breeding soon..I hope.
What about the Lancashire EAGLE OWLS that bred this year.

Heres the link for the falconers stats...

Keith (y)
What a beautiful bird and great image Keith, a cracker. While I knew they are in danger, I had no idea the time span is so small. We cant let this keep happening to our wildlife, so thank goodness for these conservation centers, we must support them more.