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mine is wembley! the fraggle that can't stop wembling! he just cant decide what to do, king of the procrastinators!

i think he also fancies red, the female fraggle! phwooor!
Mine is normally a picture of some kind of kitten (for no other reason than I think they're cute!), but just for a change, it's curently me, taken about a month ago.
am board with mine off to search for a new one brb.

<---- new one cos i like the sentiment in it.
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Mine is Princess Zelda cos, erm, I love the Legend of Zelda :D
Just plain old me but all blurry cos I thought it looked kind of cool :D
Mine is of course my adorable Cavalier King Charles spaniel called Toby, one of two we have, he is soooooo cute.