Your bucket list

Mine changes often, but I'd say my current top 5 are:
* See the Northern Lights.
* Become a fully qualified teacher.
* Do a US roadtrip in something with a proper engine (Vette, Mustang or something like!)
* Travel for a while in South America.
* Marry my lovely girlfriend.

I've managed to tick off a few good ones in recent years:
* Drive a Ferrari
* Lap the Nurburgring in my own car
* Lap a race circuit with a professional race driver - amazing fun!
* Do a long-term volunteering project in Africa (2 months building a kindergarten in Tanzania!)
* Live abroad (done Australia and Korea for 3 years in total)
* I've also visited a few places on my bucket list - Great Wall, Hong Kong, Paris, Nou Camp, Sydney, Ayers Rock, Barrier Reef, New Zealand, African Safari, Angkor Temples, Burma, Mount St Helens...
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1: Photograph Whales near Alska
2: Photograph Safari with a game warden not with tourists. (at peak of the dry season).
3: restart and finish my P P L licence
4: Do a whole season of F1 and live off room service
5: Great wall of china
6: Oz and Kiwi world
7: Own a boat
8: Do a cruise in Egypt
9: Go to india
10: Buy some land and build a Huff House
11: Drive across the States with friends or hire a light aircraft and fly the States with friends
12: go to that place at the tip of Africa where the Great whites Breach out the water hunting seals......
13: Have a bath with 10 of Hugh Heffners play girls.
14: Make a Calendar of Harrison the texting dog in all his guises to sell nationwide

Not to have kids or jump out of a plane that is not on fire.

Travel for a while in South America.

Had 7 friends at different times over 10 years all mugged at gun point. Just lucky I guess.
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11: Drive across the States with friends or hire a light aircraft and fly the States with friends

14: Make a Calendar of Harrison the texting dog in all his guises to sell nationwide

Daryl....Don't I spent 92 days in 1992 doing it and I can HIGHLY recommend it (it's why I later lived there for a while).

And Harrison? Put me down for a copy! ;)
Daryl....Don't I spent 92 days in 1992 doing it and I can HIGHLY recommend it (it's why I later lived there for a while).
If driving through Florida, you'll now need an international driving permit available in this country from AA, RAC or a few Post Offices. If caught without one, expect to find yourself in a free hotel room with bars on the windows or a very hefty fine.
Take your word for it. Florida has never been on any list of mine, and I've never been there :LOL:

I did, however get an international permit before leaving the UK as a "just in case" measure. It was free and easy.
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Only got one thing on my list left to do and that holiday was booked today.
Whales - I've seen Minke whales but I'd like to see Killers and larger.
Northern Norway
The Drakensberg
St Kilda

I could go on and on ..

Travel - Route 66, and West Coast of USA + Many others
Own and complete a project car, something like a Mustang or Camaro SS '67 or Mercedes W111
So many things....Goodness knows what;s achievable but you never know

faroe islands
North/south poles
Galapgos Islands
Humboldt Current Pelagic
chile, santiago to see a very good friend who moved there quite a while ago
different railways across the world
route 66
total solar eclipse
own a plot of land and build my ideal house
Some brilliant idea's for bucket lists in here....mine changes a bit depending on what mood I'm in but generally always include....

Visit Australia to see WSB at Phillip Island & dive the Great Barrier reef
Visit Montana & Wyoming
Do a rally drive in an original Impreza and Evo
Meet a loyal ,loving & attractive chap who can put up with me & grow old together
Visit the Lofoten Islands for the Northern Lights
Visit North & South Poles to photograph whales, polar bears & penguin's
Eat at a Michelin starred restaurant
Visit many other places including but not limited to Venice , Barcelona, Aushwitz , Lake Garda , Boston USA
Race my motorbike round Laguna Seca raceway....highly improbable I realsie but i can dream :)
Photograph the white horses of the Carmague
Photographic safari in South Africa for at least a month
Photograph a steam train in perfect light going over Ribbleheads Viaduct

I will achieve at least some of the above before I shuffle off this mortal coil :)
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Not got a Bucket list, I suppose I should put having a Bucket list on the Bucket list.....
Do you need to be Old to make a bucket list or been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Do you need to be Old to make a bucket list or been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

You can make a bucket list whenever you want. I don't think there are any legal specifications :0)

It's just a list of things you'd like to do at some point in your life. I'd like to;

Visit the East Coast of Australia again. I have family in Brisbane/Sidney and went in 2001 but wasn't into photography then so feel like I missed out.

As above but the west coast of USA

Visit Iceland to photograph the Northern Lights

Go on safari in Africa

Drive through Italy

Visit Venice

Try skydiving

I guess there's nothing out of the ordinary but I'll try to tick off most of them one day :0)
Whales - I've seen Minke whales but I'd like to see Killers and larger.
Northern Norway
The Drakensberg
St Kilda

I could go on and on ..


Both to be highly recommended :)