Your Details Available On One Website.

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Found this place on another forum.

Anyone have any thoughts on what information you can find?

For not a lot of money you can get address details etc - very worrying (to me anyway) :eek:
the amount of data it seems to provide is quite worrying, especially the information that people have asked not to be included in the phonebook is available for all to see (some info free, other info you have to pay for it)
Not found one person I know on there :shrug:
Site doesn't like Opera.
Supposedly if you pay a fee you can find out your mothers maiden name and your place of birth!!

Surely that would be all you'd need to get a duplicate birth cert, and then assume someone else identity?

This site has been about for years it uses the phone book, the electrol roll and other public info, theres nothing on there that isnt publically available anyway.
Yep, been around for years. Just collects a lot of publically available data into one place.
I stopped using it (for legitimate purposes, not stalking or identity theft!!) when they started charging.
I found a fair few, one in particular would not like to see their age group as 60-65. when they won't be 50 untill end of Sept.!
I found me :wave:
I found me too.

It's outrageous. All you need to know is what someone is called and where they live and you can work out their name and address!

It's got me down as 50-54 age range. I might feel like that age sometimes, but I'm not. I'll be beggared if I'm giving them money to look at the info though. Sod that for a game of soldiers.
Their dataset is a little iffy actually - try looking for someone you know doesn't live somewhere and it will tell you that its got something and ask you to pay....
I'm still aged 18-21, but they know I'm living with my wife.
I`m a "premium entry", whatever that is. Looks like you have to be registered or pay to see me!

Here's a result of my own:

Results for Bob Turner in Scotland

Multiple locations found. Please select one in order to get your results.

1Scotland, Luddendenfoot, West Yorkshire403100,426600
2Scotland, Horningsham, Wiltshire380900,141600
3Scotland, Southwick, Wiltshire384700,154600

All in England :thinking: :clap: is BT run (or at least it used to be), its just like your phonebook online really, been around since forever......