Your Favourite Creative Photo from 2011

Was going for the water drops but noticed my "self portrait" and thought what the hell..
Info: 50D; 10-20mm @10mm; 8sec; f5; 30mph ;)


Thought it was the cage Fighter Mirko Cro Cop at first glance

This was my favourite 'creative' photograph from twenty eleven. My boyfriend bought me a beautiful bouquet of my favourite roses & one afternoon, I reached for my camera & began experimenting with different angles & narrow depth of field. I wasn't expecting much to come out of the experience but during post production I came to fall in love with this one photograph.

During post production I converted to black & white before creating many overlay layers & brushing dramatically to create this 'raw' looking effect ~ with grain & marks that can often be seen on photographs that have been printed from dirty negatives in a darkroom. I just like the effect, despite it not being to everyones taste & thought why not share it with you all?