Your First Internet Experience

I was using the Internet indirectly in the early 90s via the London-based Cosmos Bulletin Board, which had gateways to the Usenet and Internet email.

First time I saw the Web was early '94 when the MD got the staff together and told us "this is the future of computing, everything": NCSA Mosaic and a 14.4K modem. I was used to networked computers, but it was still pretty amazing accessing web sites in the US one minute, then Russia and Japan the next.

A few months later we were part of a Joint Venture to set up an ISP and I found myself putting together the installer packages for PPP diallers, a copy of Mosaic and some other basic software to get people on the net, providing technical support and learning enough HTML to build a web site for our company, with products, prices and stock levels being pushed through from our stock system every morning.

I do recall some time in early '95 seeing a job ad come through from Apple on AppleLink, asking for someone to write web sites for them in Cupertino - I thought it was rather amusing that part of the spec was that the individual they would recruit should have "at least two years' experience in building commercial web sites" - this when I think practically nobody in the world could could have met that requirement :LOL: ;)

Don't go there btw, it was a cracks/warez site back in the day and I'm pretty sure anything lurking on it now will be dodgy!
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