your first!

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What was your first ever camera and how did you get it?

Mine was a 35mm P&S and I got it for my 8th birthday from my parents.
It was my "big present" that year and havd a multi coloured case. :love: I snapped the wrist cord in London though, when I went when I was 11 - it came flying off my wrist and into a museum display :LOL:
I had the usual Polaroid and old 35mm plastic jobbies but my first real one was the Ricoh KR10 and then the Canon T90 superb camera
My Grandmother gave me her cast-offs from when I was a toddler, and I sorted out putting a couple of films through one of them. Then my Mum thought we should have a Polaroid but the Instamatic was more heavily advertised (and sounded as if it was the same sort of thing) so we got one of those, and I was the only one to use it. I lay in the daffodils to get shots of our West Highland pup, and earned heaps of praise for the results. Later, I chased a crop-duster for miles (aircraft were my love back then) and my Grandfather didn't criticize the pin-pricks in the distance, but gave me a folder of War Dept photos he'd used as an artist in WWII. The first camera I paid for was a Beirette from Boots, which earned a remonstration from the local independent dealer when I went to him for a light meter, shortly before he closed down.
Zenith EM, when I was about 14, in fact it's this one, complete with a quarter century of dust from being up in my parent's loft.....:D

Zenith EM, when I was about 14, in fact it's this one, complete with a quarter century of dust from being up in my parent's loft.....:D


Exactly the same here, must try to get a piccy of it up tomorrow when I'm a bit more sober. My mum and da got it for me when I was about 12'ish at the time if I remember right. Looking back now it must have been a real extravagance for them to buy something like that for me but I'm really glad they did and I probably appreciate it more now than I did at the time.

I am wanting to delve back into 35mm but now wouldnt know where to start.....again, maybe an OM10 or ME Super is a good starting point but maybe an OM-1..........OH dammit
Exactly the same here, must try to get a piccy of it up tomorrow when I'm a bit more sober. My mum and da got it for me when I was about 12'ish at the time if I remember right. Looking back now it must have been a real extravagance for them to buy something like that for me but I'm really glad they did and I probably appreciate it more now than I did at the time.


I'm not 100% sure but I think it was something like £45-50 back then, I remember I wanted the TTL model, which was about £20-30 more, but it was well out of my not much has changed :LOL:
I cant remember what model but it was a little black kodak box camera of some sort ( shows my age:LOL: ). Then I updated to a Brownie, then, in the late 60's, a polaroid.A few years later I got a Rollei which I loved but somehow lost. My late husband got a Canon AE1 which I still have in the cupboard, with a big Tamron zoom lens.
First real one was a Mamiya ZEX 35mm. Got some really good slide shots from it but eventually it broke and I replaced it with a EOS 700.

Prior to that I remember a very large Polaroid Instamatic....
The very first one I had was a 110 camera. I can't remember what make it was, but it definitely wasn't Kodak. My mother did have a Kodak which used 126 film cartridges, but my first 35mm camera was a Pentax MX back in 1983 - thanks to a Saturday job I had briefly plus a little help from my dad.
I had a little 35mm Halina. Think I bought it for about £10.
I see the confusion continues! There never was a Polaroid Instamatic in the UK. Instamatic was Kodak's name for their 126 cartridge cameras (and later 110). Kodak's own instant print cameras were called Kodamatic (until Polaroid got `em for patent infringement).
Started with my father's pre-war Exacta 127 SLR, waist level finder - mirror but non return. First one I bought was a Practica LLC, then am OM1.....