your job ??

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what sort of jobs do you lot on here do to pay for your photography interests, i;m a service engineer for an hydraulic company based in south yorks but i do get around quite a bit :)
I'm a Sales Controller for an unnamed Japanese Car Manufactuer :thinking:

Long hours but a good team in the Dealrship which helps (y)
I work for the local Constabulary (but am not a police officer..but was in my previous country!)
I am a 3d animator, special fx video compositor and video editor. I love how creative it is but unfortunatley it ruins any film with plenty of special fx because i know how its all done and how to do it myself
but unfortunatley it ruins any film with plenty of special fx because i know how its all done and how to do it myself

That has to be a real ****er :(
Service engineer, financial industry.
Press toolmaker, specialising in trying out of new press tools for car body components/panels. Currently working on tools for Ford Focus due next year.
I'm a photography degree student by day, waitress in a want-to-be-posh hotel at night :D
Professional falconer vermin control and wildlife management consultant
Basically people pay me money to either kill or control stuff.

And before anyone gets one my case
where do you draw the line without being a hypocrite?
Pharaoh ants
squirrels (grey)
ferel pigeons (carry more diseases than rats)
Canada geese
And more.........
They are all classed as vermin or pests under the law ;)

Edit that should stir things up nicely ;)
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Professional falconer vermin control and wildlife management consultant
Basically people pay me money to either kill or control stuff.

And before anyone gets one my case
where do you draw the line without being a hypocrite?
Pharaoh ants
squirrels (grey)
ferel pigeons (carry more diseases than rats)
Canada geese
And more.........
They are all classed as vermin or pests under the law ;)

Edit that should stir things up nicely ;)

What about politicians ;)
same as cobra above but with out the long list of nastys, just avian pest control at land fill sites.
we also do corprate days for companies wanting to handle and fly birds.
we breed falcons aswell so currently a very busy time for us.
and on the very odd occasion we do hunting days for folk that want to see bop doing what they do best

Please?????? I can't stand a whole month of their persistant whingeing about each other in a desparate attempt to land a seat on the gravy train.

It will all end up costing us more whoever wins.
I manufacture conveyor belts and fly planes :D
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I have been electrician, soldier, work study engineer, buyer, manager, electrician [again] Prison Officer, electrician and builder now.

I'm a waiter currently, but going to University in September.
well i suppose i have several titles lol

parents business and the run 2 buisneses

company 1
motorcycle shop , i do bike sales , parts , collecting and delivering , packing parts , ebay

company 2
vauxhall parts and repairs , trained mechanic , and parts sales man , ebay

other jobs in the past were delivery driver , doorman , personal securtiy ( doorman) in club looking after some big names ,beverly knight , ja rule , 112 , jordan , joe guest , michelle marsh , loads more
Police officer :LOL:
there are still laws against that :(
I did vote for Guy Fawkes last time though :D

Never realised you were that old ;)
I'm a student, web guy, freelance photographer, staff photographer, work in a shop and might be working bar this summer too

Oh and I lurk on here a lot too but it don't pay
Run my own website now, after many many years as a software developer/contractor/consultant.
Digga driva .... have been for 30 odd yrs now...still enjoy it,and it pays very well :p
Secondary school teacher A level Psychology and PSHEE (Sex and Drugs Ed).
photographer :)