your lost photo

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do you have a photo which stays in your minds eye..?

but you have lost the negative/prints --- never to be seen again BUT you cannot forget

mine was a 8x10 B&W print looking up at Tower Bridge from the Embankment through some trees

can still see it - taken late 1950's
All of my Iraq & Afghan archive from 2004-2006...:(
One my dad took of me in the pits at Brands Hatch 1966 I think with Colin Chapman and Jim Clark.
I'm wearing the CC cap
Not one that I have taken, but one that was taken of me...

It was when I was little, about 18 months - 2 years, it was a studio setup with a garden background, a basket with flowers, I'm wearing a pink dress and (even then) doing this...

I have no idea where the ones of me modelling when I was a sprog went to either. :(
Every shot (slides, neg's and prints) I took from my Trips to Nepal, Southern Alps in NZ and from a climbing trip to the alps between College ending and Work beginning. All lost to a tragic "Crazy Ex Girlfriend / Backyard Bonfire / Failure to change the locks quickly enough after I threw her Out" incident.

Edit: if I had to pick one image however - it would be a "joiner" - a dozen film shot panoramic taken just after sunrise as we'd summited Mont Blanc. Gone forever, and there's no way I'll ever be fit enough to get there again :(
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All of my Iraq & Afghan archive from 2004-2006...:(

you remember them "all"....:(..?

really wanted- do you remember "one" above all others, which is now lost
Yes, all of my honeymoon photos although I barely remember them. They were in a bag that was stolen at the airport, we now take a laptop and make sure that each of us have a copy of holiday photo's so that we don't lose them all if one bag goes missing.

Also a picture of my dog from years ago. He's lying down in the snow and his face is all covered in snow. He's looking directly at the camera which was unusual for him. I have a bad scan of it but no original or negative.
Oh no what happened? :(

DVD archive corrupted and a hard-drive knocked off a desk...:thumbsdown:

OK then - one image:

My front page from the Washington Post and New York Times of current US VP Joe Biden holding up an inky finger in an Iraqi polling station.

I only have a thumbnail of it that I 'grabbed' from the AFP website...(overtures to AFP and Getty Images who passed it on, met with no joy)
My lost image never made it out of the camera. It was in Blackpool on a very windy day, two girls walked round a corner, their brolly blew inside out, one girl struggled and grimaced, the other laughed and looked directly to camera. I was sure I'd nailed it but the film split down it's entire length, one half trying to rewind into the cassette the other half filling any space it could find in the back of the T-90. Gutted.
Edit: if I had to pick one image however - it would be a "joiner" - a dozen film shot panoramic taken just after sunrise as we'd summited Mont Blanc. Gone forever, and there's no way I'll ever be fit enough to get there again :(

tragic....i camped for a week below Mont Blanc for 10 days trekking

breathing sunrise hit the peak every morning - you must be gutted
the roll of delta 3200 I shot on a salyut C in a gig that didn't fix properly and I watched fade to grey when I pulled it from the tank :(