Your Photoblogs - LINKS

Mine will be going live on the 1st Jan, so will post the link then.

Another tool worth looking at is feedburner, it makes it easier for people to subscribe to your feed.
Cheers guys, subsribed to all, subscribing to all new ones too. Really enjoying my blog after the first week or so! Allowing me to really focus on the shots I like,

.... you were surprised to make the finals??? I'm not, some of your work is stunning! Glad you added this one! :clap:
Gary, I've just started one, I'm undecided as yet how it's going to play out, I was thinking of some sort of a one a week type thing, but it's pretty rubbish so far. The link however is

You may or may not be interested in my Astronomy Blog, but if you are the link it in my sig.
Gonna go through these and add the latest, then do a catchup...

Ok Gary, you have inspired me to set one up. It's pretty basic at the moment, I'm still playing with wordpress, but it will fill up as time goes by.

Blog is here, Rss here.
Ok Gary, you have inspired me to set one up. It's pretty basic at the moment, I'm still playing with wordpress, but it will fill up as time goes by.

Blog is here, Rss here.

Cheers mate, I have to say I am absolutely LOVING having the blog :D
Ee ar Gaz mate, I finally did it mate:

my joe bloggs

Not sure how well I've done though :shrug:, I did start one in June last year but I never found the time to maintain it, things are a little different now though, hopefully I can stick to it this year (y)
Gonna catch up with them all soon. Justin and Tyke, looking forward to following...
I've just updated my site. You can comment on photography but not on my web work for various reasons ;)

Anyway here is the url...

I'll add you lot to my links page after I've had some sleep.

Feedback on the new design would be great too. It's not a photoblog as such, more a general site for my photography and web development.

I've just added pretty much all the blogs from this thread to my links pages. Some of them were not working, when they are I'll add to you also :) It'd be great to get some link backs but it's not required :)

Some great blogs out there in the TP community.
Ok I think I've got links up to just about everybody here.