Your proudest photo?

Easy question to answer :D

These two from my trip to Skye last December, just after all the snow started and the country shut down.

There are some stunning shots in this thread!

Easy question to answer :D


Gorgeous shot! :love:

This is probably my favourite so far. I took it at Dungeness on the Kent coast after only having my camera for a month. It's still one of my favourites and I'm definitely going to go back to it and PP it a bit (now I know a bit more) and get it printed for my wall!

Glinting in the Sun by *Babs, on Flickr
I think this is one of my best.


Sunrise in spain. had the idea in my head from seeing the road up this mountain! the view was exactly in my head and the mist worked for me!
It's a little old now, but I'm quite pleased with this one. It was shot as a candid and was a bit of a snatched shot, but a little tweak in Lightroom has made it one of my favourite photos...

Oh, wow.

There is NO WAY im posting anything of mine on this website.
Compared to everyone elses photos, mine are AWFUL. :(

Bah, damn all of you talented people.


[In all seriousness though, amazing pictures everyone. Im in awe of you all.]

No Where as good as some on here I have seen.
But I count this as one of the best I have ever done.

I count this as my best ever film shot.

Snowy by Gaz C, on Flickr

And this best Digital

Friends by Gaz C, on Flickr

This a shot of my daughter Clare taken in 1991 using an Olympus OM1SP with the 50mm f1.8 and 2x converter. I think it was fuji slide film.
I won a small photo comp with it in 1993

The piece right foot was lost during the conversion to a digi file when I sent it away many moons ago.

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Part of me thinks im going to regret this..




^ Possibly the best as its going to get for me.

Although, compared to everyone elses this is nothing to be proud of. :[[

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I find it really hard to get a shot of my cat, as her face is black I struggle to focus properly. So I was well chuffed with this one:


I'd like to go back and reshoot this one at some point, with a nice sunset!

Mam Torr? ^

Favourite film shot (taken on Hasselblad Sept 93) Girls are my daughters:


Favourite Digital shot:

