Your Thoughts

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Thought I would float this one for CC if you don't mind. Even a quick :) , :| or :( would do. Maybe even a :LOL: !!

I like it : definitely a :)

Is there a reason you cut off the little bit of chin?

DSC6312 by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr


is that eye sharp?? and i felt the highlight was a bit too large

hence the edit

It does not work for me. so close up I want to see the "Soul" in the eye looking right back at me

If you look in the B&W thread at close up's, you'll maybe see what I mean
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Sweet picture but it looks a bit posed, she looks away but has no focus.

honest polite reply ^

harsh honestly v

she isn't looking in to the camera, as far as impact goes, you might as well have shot with the lens cap on.
There is something i do actualy like about this, i like close up intense shots, i like the way her hair covers half her face too, i do agree if the eye was direct to the camera that would be an awesome shot.. 100 times more intense....
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I think had she been looking straight into the lens-this image would have had more imapct

Love it in mono though

Les (y)
is that eye sharp?? and i felt the highlight was a bit too large

hence the edit


Thanks Geoff. Yes in hindsight I guess the catch light was a bit large, but I actually think it's a bit small in your edit. Somewhere in between for me. As for sharpness, I know what you mean but the detail around the eye is crystal sharp (on the original at least) though I have to admit there is a slight softness about the pupil. I think it's just the girl's eyes!
Sweet picture but it looks a bit posed, she looks away but has no focus.

honest polite reply ^

harsh honestly v

she isn't looking in to the camera, as far as impact goes, you might as well have shot with the lens cap on.

lmao! Thanks Joxby. I also do shots where the model looks at the camera :LOL:

They don't have to look at the camera, they just have to give something of themselves away.

She's a beautiful girl, but conscious of the camera and maybe following direction that its really a "fun" picture in the end, rather than a dead pan portrait, imo

Technically...looks lovely to me.

They don't have to look at the camera, they just have to give something of themselves away.

She's a beautiful girl, but conscious of the camera and maybe following direction that its really a "fun" picture in the end, rather than a dead pan portrait, imo

Technically...looks lovely to me.

Thanks Geoff. Yes in hindsight I guess the catch light was a bit large, but I actually think it's a bit small in your edit. Somewhere in between for me. As for sharpness, I know what you mean but the detail around the eye is crystal sharp (on the original at least) though I have to admit there is a slight softness about the pupil. I think it's just the girl's eyes!

hi Lionel
i agree about the catchlight...i was faffing around with it at great enlargement and do agree its too small...somewhere between...agreed!!
the softness of any shot i suppose is how we view it
i am using a laptop...perhaps on a decent screen all is better and more clear
its hard to get everything in focus to ones requirements on autofocus....did you in fact use manual focus...this could explain if you didnt

really you have done a good shot as John above comments, and the other critiques although very relevant and true dont really matter to was the eye which caught guessed it...eye..

cheers and good luck