Your Top 5 films and why.

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Ok, so here are my favourite movies of all time. Different reasons, different genres but all films the resonate with me for different reasons.

1. The Graduate.

An old film here, but seminal nonetheless and the film that preceeded Fight Club for the angst ridden male. I must of watched this film for the first time when I was around ten or eleven. I motivated me on many levels. In one hand I adored the fact that Benjamin was sleeping with an older woman, an act I tried to emulate on many occassion. However, moreover I was moved by how out of control Ben was of his life and how it was being governed by others. Thanks to Mike Nicholls master piece I try and live life my way - never easy, and films like American Beauty occasionally pop up to remind us that The Graduate did it first.

2. Dead Man's Shoes.

A low budget British film here, but one I think every person should see. It is a simple tale or revenge on a UK council estate and I think it is one I could relate to growing up in Bristol, which much like any big city is sink or swim. Paddy Considine acts out of his skin in this movie and depsite the fact he is a clear psychopath, you cant help but feel and love his character and his love for his brother, the essence of good film making.

I also think that this films taps into part of my pshyce in that there are people out there I would love to revisit and put things straight.

3. Big Fish.

Now I am not normally a fan of Tim Burton, but I love this movie. This films reminds us how important it is to listen to the people we love. It is about a dying man recounting his past and it never fails to move me and it always reminds me how much I love my Dad.

4. Shaun of the Dead.

A true, utter classic of comedy genius proportions. Simon Pegg is a legend in my world as this man taps into everything I love - music, film, popular culture if you will and turns it into a brilliant pastiche of Romero's hackneyed and somewhat cliched Dawn of the Dead movies. Brilliant gags, utterly brilliant comic timing and jokes for fan boys that I laugh at and other people miss. There are times that I think this movie saved my life. Back in 04 after I took a huge overdose, I put this film on every night for weeks and it never ceased to make me laugh out loud.

5. The Assissination of Richard Nixon.

Perhaps the polar opposite of Shaun of the Dead. When I first saw this film on import, I saw so much of my life in it. My marriage had collapsed, my world was in pieces and everything was nearing an end. Sean Penn's performance in the film is simply breath taking. A simple man fighting to save everything he cares about in a dishonest world. This films honesty and subtext leaves me aghast when I watch it. It really is stunning - I urge you to see it.

So - there you go. Thats 5 of many many films I could site, but I reckon I could watch these week in week out and never tire. In fact I very often do.

Over to you. Which films and why ?
Great thread Pete (y) but too late this evening for me to do it justice - mine will be on here sometime tomorrow....!:D
1. Star Wars

I went to see this as a kid about 8years old and I remember the film and every second of it, was and still is up there as my all time favourite cinema experiences.

2. The Longest Day

Just a mega war film of all time, just has everything a war film can have. Superb.

3. Charade

The best and most beautiful actress that has ever been on the silver screen, With a superb cast and a half decent plot, just watching her in this film sends shivers down my spine.

4. Breakfast at Tiffany's

Mainley for the same reasons as number 3.

5. The Thin Red Line

Some of the best cinematography ever put onto film, was captured in this epic war film, the locations are just breath taking.
5. The Thin Red Line

Yes, thats true. A misunderstood classic and one of the best movie soundtracks ever.
1. Deerhunter.

It takes three guys from a small town all doing the macho tough guy thing, boozing and hunting deer, and plunges them into the horror of Vietnam where only one of the three is remotely equipped to deal with the emotional and psychological torture and it takes it's toll on him in the end. No bull manure in this film at all - it's as close to stark reality as you get on the silver screen.

2. Aliens.

Superb action film where the director went for a totally different style away from the suspense of the original and brought off a great film which is always worth a watch for some great throw away lines. One of the sequel films which actually works well.

3.Pulp Fiction.

Tarantino at his absolute genius best. Superbly cast with one of the best scripts ever written.

4. The Green Mile.

Well you just have to see it.

5. The Godfather.

I saw the film after reading the book, and while lots was omitted out of necessity, the storyline stayed with the book well and the casting and acting was superb.

I'm not sure they're really my top 5 - I can think of plenty of others, but they're the ones which spring to mind at once. :)
1) Easy Rider
Im a bike nut, ive never had a bike, but for some weird reason I love motorbikes, especially this kind of American Chopper, the film is about drugs and bikes but it has a grimy sort of undertone and a great unexpected, emotional ending. Also it features Jack Nicholson in a clown-esque role, which he pulls off amazingly well.

2) Battle Royale
My first foreign language movie, it is extremely violent and having to read the film dialogue makes you concentrate more. I was shocked by the visual voilence, gore and remarkable scenery, all set around young kids. Once again the ending is an emotional masterpiece.

3) The Matrix
You have to watch this film 3 or 4 times to pick up on all the subtleties and storyline quirks, although it didnt actual feature anything new as such, most of the plot ideas had been seen before in suchy films as "Dark City" and "The Thirteenth Floor" it brought a lot of new special effects to the table and they worked. The 2 sequels could unfortunately never live up to the first, oh yes... Trinity.... hmmmm...

4) Initial D
As well as a bike nut, im a car nut... There arent many great car racing based movies, Fast and Furious 1 is the only other mentionable film, but the storyline in that stinks... Initial D is an Animation feature length film, I got it free when I ordered "Battle Royale" and I first watched it in Japanese with English subs, I really enjoyed it, basic animation, nothing clever or hollywood about it, just a great storyline with comedy elements and a love story subplot... I have since re-watched it using the 2nd stereo audio track on the disk, a poor voice over in English... this allowed me to more appreciate the animations subtlety, some of the artwork is amazingly simple yet very effective.

5) Scarface
Al Pacino is a god, this film is full of emotion, his acting is flawless and the script and brutality is shocking. I only bought this recently after a friend recommended it and I throughly enjoyed it.

TBH, i could go on all night, ive got several hundred DVDs and used to import about a dozen a month from America before they hit the cinemas in the UK. This meant I was buying movies id never heard of and im glad I did, Ive got great films such as K-Pax, Arlington Road and Patch Adams which didnt do every well on the UK market but are all excellent films.
Have you seen the anime? Its meant to be a lot better. I haven't seen the film yet but I love the anime.

Yup, thats the only one I have seen, ive got the live action type one, but not gotten around to watching it yet.

Oh wait, I think I know what you meant, I have also seen the Initial D Anime TV series, this is basically the same story but split over about 30+ 30min episodes, so there is a lot more detail and subplots... I suppose the anime movie has to cover the key parts of the anime series so people like me who see the anime movie before the series can understand what is going on.
I'll reply to this properly when I've had more thought on it.

But for me, definitely, the top 3 are :

1. The Green Mile reason needed (Like CT says, once youve seen it you'll understand)

2. Shawshank Redemption

Another classic.

3. Saving Private Ryan

Watching those 'landings' on a nice big telly, in 5.1 surround had me cowering in my seat. The rest of the film was just ace too.

4. Dead Man's Shoes

For now I'll agree with Pete here. This is another excellent film that really drags you in and gets you emotionally involved.
I'll reply to this properly when I've had more thought on it.

But for me, definitely, the top 3 are :

1. The Green Mile reason needed (Like CT says, once youve seen it you'll understand)

2. Shawshank Redemption

Another classic.

3. Saving Private Ryan

Watching those 'landings' on a nice big telly, in 5.1 surround had me cowering in my seat. The rest of the film was just ace too.

Yeah, Marcel, before my ex and I split we had a full on cinema room with a seven foot screen and top notch surround sound. SRP was the demo disk. :)
Naked Gun - Hilarious.

Airlpane - Hilarious.

The Way of the Dragon - Can't beat a good Bruce Lee film :)

Blues Brothers - Hilarious and musical genius!

The Commitments - Hilarious and musical genius!
I really can't pick just 5, there are dozens of films that I consider must own/see some are above but here's a few more.

Life is Beautiful, American History X, A.I., Love Honour & Obey.
Not in any order of preference, just as they come to mind:

Saving Private Ryan - eye opening and although still typically U.S. biased atleast gives a true if grizly account of what troops really faced and overcame.
Star Wars New Hope - Empire is the best of the Star Wars films but this is the groundbreaker:D
Leon - just think the story is excellent
Alien - Brilliant and spooky
Blues Brothers - Hilarious and a great soundtrack to boot

So many to choose, if you asked me again in a week Im sure it would be a different list.

Can we not change this to your favourite 50 films :shrug: ;)
Someone should make a thread like this about albums (I don't want to incase no on replies, I will feel so silly :p )
Excellent thread!

Can we make combos?

1- "Hero", "House of the flying daggers", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
Amazing visual and sound effects, great art direction and photography. And have to wait for this years "Curse of the golden flower". The trailer is amazing. Love this kind of stuff.

2. "Little Miss Sunshine"
Just seen it last week. Incredible fresh comedy, great story, great direction and acting, specially of the little girl. Movie phrase: “Everyone, just… pretend to be normal.”

3. "Garden State"
Zach Braff, amazing director and actor. Natalie Portman was great too, very natural. Soundtrack, a must have. Movie phrase: “I don't want to waste another moment of my life without you in it.”

4. "The Godfather" (as a trilogy)
What else to say: “My father taught me many things here. He taught me in this room. He taught me, keep your friends close… but your enemies closer.”

5. "The Shining"
Extremely terrifying adaptation of the Stephen King novel. May be is not one of Kubrick's bests, but is thrilling enough to make this worthwhile.
“Heeeeere’s Johnny!”

And another must see: A Clockwork Orange, Big Fish, Mulholland Dr., The Graduate, Citizen Kane, Amélie, Monster's Ball, Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Adaptation, among others that I remember now.

Great thread!
This is not easy but here goes:

1) Band of Brothers: ok it is a miniseries but still wonderful the plot and true to form battles are great.

2)Return of the Jedi: This is the first movie I ever saw in a theatre and it is still a favorite I watch it at least 4 times a year.

3)March of the Penguins - the cinematography is really fantastic and watching how the guys made the film was great.

4)Jaws - ohh a what is out there and gonna get you film. Love it and have lost count the times I've watched it.

5)Breakfast Club - the ultimate teen movie that I still love to watch at almost 30

HOnorable mentions as follows:
40 year old virgin
I'm going to cheat a little bit with this

1 - Star Wars

To me, the six star wars films, the expanded universe and everything that has come about because of them immortalises what film and cinema mean to me. Its about escaping from reality, its about fun, adventure, good vs evil. Not sure how old I was when I first saw Star Wars but I know I've watched at least the original trilogy hundreds of times since then. You just ask sue how annoying I am when I'm watching one, I can quote most of them line for line. To me its much more than just a film, its a cultural phenonemon, but then again I'm sad :). If I had to choose a favorite from this sextropology or whatever six films is, it is without a doubt Empire, one of the few films ever made that actually finishes without hope, the heroes are in despair - in fact the lead part has lost his arm and just found out that the biggest, baddest evilest villain in the whole galaxy didn't just murder his dad, he IS his dad. Complemented by the genius who is John Williams and his amazing soundtracks.

2 - Back to the Future (trilogy)

Again, cheating a little with this one but all three films work together to form one big long story. The continuity is second to none, in fact its uncanny. I watched the first film again the other day and saw something I'd never seen before - at the start in Doc Brown's house, where you see the camera panning the clocks, there is a clock model based on the clock tower with the doc hanging from the hand. Amazing stuff. I want a delorean, always have, always will do. Alan Silvestri did a brilliant job to make memorable melodies for this too :D

3 - Superman 1/2

Not sure which of the two cuts I like the most, the original theatrical release or the new Richard Donner cut. I'd be inclined to choose the Donner cut I think. Love it to pieces, brilliant film, excellent effects for the time, I can class both films as one because they were intended to be filmed as one long story (before Donner and the Salkinds got into an argument). John Williams again :D

4 - The Lion King

Love this, its like the last proper animated (old skool) Disney film that I really really love, has me in tears when Simba's dad dies every time, even though I know that its coming. Outstanding story, aninmation and soundtrack. Pure animation genius.

5 - The Butterfly Effect (Directors Cut)

This was the hardest number to pick because it was my last one. If you've seen the theatrical release over here it features the happy ending, the directors cut however features an ending that is a little more sinister and dark - excellent bit of movie making that really gets you thinking. I picked up the region 1 release because it was a double sided flipper disc containing both the directors cut and theatrical release. I won't go into the alternative ending in case I spoil it for people that havent yet seen it. Excellent film, again complimented by a good soundtrack, this time from Michael Suby.

For other titles that deserve a mention, just look at (most of) my DVD collection. There are a few crappy ones in there but most are (in my opinion of course) winners.
1. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......... it has everthing in it

2. Kind Hearts and Coronets............ the writing, directing, acting and photography just outstanding.

3. Rear Window............. Hitchcock - so much suspense from one room's viewpoint.

4. L. A. Confidential............... its like all the actors are playing cameos, brilliant.

5. Jungle Book................... have seen this everday, it seems, since my daughter became 1 year old, even I march with elephants.

2 good links for film buffs.
Nice work folk.

Darksaber, I concur on The Butterfly effect. One of the underrated/missed movies of all time. V. clever :)

Pxl8 - Love, Honour and Obey - top choice - 'and bosh, somebody took my percil' ! :)

Ppugga - Garden State - awesome movie - good choice.

hr ford - Band of Brothers - top. Absolute brilliance. I have the Region 1 in the tin version with DTS sound. Mind blowing. I also have a BOB canvas print on my wall...
Well can I just say that I refuse to watch star wars with matt for the simple reason he knows all the words and says them all the way through without even realising.

My films are (so difficult to pick just five)

Dirty Dancing
Have always loved the songs and story in this, my kind of curl up comfort movie when not feeling well. :)

Top Gun
Another classic movie for me, Tom Cruise.

Miracle on 34th Street
Christmas, feel good.

Pretty Woman
Love the songs, and corny story.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Well this and any disney film to be honest. First saw this on holiday one year when away with family, saw it time and time again. I love disney films and this is very like one of them. Can I just say winnie the pooh :) is great.
I share your pain Darksaber, my girlfriend absolutely hates anything StarWars related - while I could sit for weeks watching the things repeat.

One day she will learn to appreciate it for the genius it is :D
5. The Thin Red Line

Yes, thats true. A misunderstood classic and one of the best movie soundtracks ever.

yes to the soundtrack

my 5 soundtracks

1. Bladerunner
2. Starwars
3. Anotherday in paradise
4. 1492
5. The thin red line
Next TP meet, we hire out a projector, go to whoever has the biggest front room and best surround sound system and either none or very understanding neighbours and we watch the saga back to back.

Dont get me wrong the films are ok but to have a commentry going throughout it puts me off.
Like others, I find it difficult to choose just 5 for all time but here are the ones that automatically spring to my mind...

Blade Runner ... I was captivated right from the opening scene ... 20 odd years on, still has the same effect. Sci Fi at its best!

Night Of The Hunter ... All the better for being filmed in black & white, lays bare the stark truths of sin & greed unquestioningly hidden under the preachers garb.
As a child I remember it being one of the first films to make me question what possibly lay behind that which I saw infront of me.

Caberet ... Decadence, bisexuality, Nazi's .... its all in here!
The zany character of Liza Minneli against the beautiful & uptight Miachael York. :love:
I love all the songs from 'Money' to 'Maybe This Time' and the uncomfortably beautiful 'Tomorrow Belongs To Me'.

Gladiator ... Never fails to move me to tears!

A Taste Of Honey ... No lavish scenery or expensive effects. Just pure realism. B&W portrayal of working class life. First film I saw depciting mixed race, homesuality & unmarried mothers. Still a classic for me.

Dangerous Liasons Beautifully filmed. Aristocrats John Malkovich & Glen Close amuse themselves by playing with other peoples lives with damning consequences. Think I know every line in this script!

& finally I know Ive had more than my 5 but I couldnt miss out ...

Entertaining Mr Sloan ... with the brilliant Beryl Reid.
Dark, witty, greedy and sexual wantonness .. who needs special effects with storylines like this!
Dangerous Liasons Beautifully filmed. Aristocrats John Malkovich & Glen Close amuse themselves by playing with other peoples lives with damning consequences. Think I know every line in this script!

"It's beyond my control" :D

Brief Encounter........always loved this classic and then I watched it with Barry and it meant more...

Witness......watched this several times and still get a tingle when Harrison Ford dances with Kelly McGillis in the barn (going to watch this with Barry soon as he bought it for me for Christmas)

You've Got Mail......just because I met Barry on t'internet and its a feel good film

It's A Wonderful Life...simply a special film and makes you realise your depression is not so bad after all...sniff...snifff...ahhhh

Carry On Abroad......just makes me laugh and laugh and Barry does some of the cheeky actions that Kenneth Connor does when he sees a lady that tickles his fancy....amazing to think that he was in Only Fools and Horses too!!

what about all those Norman Wisdom films too...I think I love to laugh on the whole!! MR GRIMSDALE!!!

Brief Encounter........always loved this classic and then I watched it with Barry and it meant more...

Witness......watched this several times and still get a tingle when Harrison Ford dances with Kelly McGillis in the barn (going to watch this with Barry soon as he bought it for me for Christmas)

You've Got Mail......just because I met Barry on t'internet and its a feel good film

It's A Wonderful Life...simply a special film and makes you realise your depression is not so bad after all...sniff...snifff...ahhhh

Carry On Abroad......just makes me laugh and laugh and Barry does some of the cheeky actions that Kenneth Connor does when he sees a lady that tickles his fancy....amazing to think that he was in Only Fools and Horses too!!

what about all those Norman Wisdom films too...I think I love to laugh on the whole!! MR GRIMSDALE!!!

M, by chance, you dont happen to be MAD ABOUT BARRY do you? You sound so loved up. :love:

Fair play. (y) (y) (y)
ooher it does seem so ha ha....note to self....keep the luv stuff to yourself!!
I love so many more films too...

What about ' Oh Brother Where Art Though?' now you see I want to tell you that BArry and I sing the songs from the soundtrack to this film very loudly in the car and that Barry can really yodel, but I won't in case you need to stick your fingers down your throat

'We're in the Jailhouse now!'
1) Tricky Brains - Classic Stephen Chow comedy from 1991 that is very "mo liu" (nonsensical). :LOL: I've been a fan of Stephen Chow ever since.

2) Transformers: The Movie - Probably one of the cornerstone of my childhood. :nuts:

3) Rurouni Kenshin - Trust & Betrayal - not exactly a movie, but rather a four-part short story that tells how Kenshin got his cross-shaped scar. Very dark and serious compared to the TV series (which is the best anime series ever, imho).

4) Spider-man (1,2 & 3?) - No doubt I will love 3 as much as 1 & 2 when it comes out this summer. :geek: My favourite comic book superhero.

5) Indiana Jones trilogy - Probably instilled the sense of adventure in me. (y)

6) Lord of the Rings trilogy - Let's face it, I'm a fantasy nut. :nuts:

Here's a list of the top 250 movies on IMDB. On the DVD forums, they had a "top 100 movie watching 2006" thread that everyone tried to watch all the top 100 movies in the list in that year. We can have one here. :eek:
1) American Beauty, Spacey is excellent in this. Mid life crisis
2) Being There, Peter Sellers, what more do you need?
3) It's a wonderful life, makes me cry every time I see it.
4) Blazing saddles, funniest film I ever saw.
5) Robin Hood, Prince of thieves, Alan Rickman gives Costner a lesson in acting.
1, The Lord of the Rings (all three) Took film making to a whole new level.
2, The Green Mile. 2 & 3 must be good because you can just watch them time after time.
3, Shawshank Redemption
4, Pulp Fiction. Great cast, brilliantly interwoven storyline, just great!!
5, Close Encounters (directors cut) Found it difficult to pick a sci-fi as it’s my favourite genre, this is closest to how it will probably happen if ever.

Others I considered:- Bladerunner, Allien, The good, the bad and the ugly, The outlaw Josey Wales, The big Red One, The Life of Brian.

Could go on for ever really, top 20 might be easier
3. Big Fish.

Yay!!! Great film. I loved it but I know loads of people who didn't really get it.

My list (yes, I know they're not all 'films' but I'm just using artistic licence):

1) Shawshank Redemption. Lost count of how many times I've watched it. Never fail to be moved by it, never fail to take something new from it.

2) (Joint first really) Band Of Brothers. Just incredible. Captain Richard Nixon is the man that I would most like to emulate.

3) Notting Hill. I know, I know! But it's one of those films that I can sit and watch with my wife at the end of a long week and it picks us both up.

4) Godfather Trilogy. Magic. Despite what has been said about parts 2 & 3 I think they make an incredibly moving set and have a lot to say.

5) Schindler's List. Moving and disturbing but a fantastic film. Acting and directing that cuts to the core.

6) (just because...) Big Fish
Impossible to choose just five really.

4. The Green Mile.

Well you just have to see it.

I agree, awesome film, wonderful moods, encapsulates the era and very emotional.

Blade Runner ... I was captivated right from the opening scene ... 20 odd years on, still has the same effect. Sci Fi at its best!
Me too. For the same reasons.

The Fifth Element.
Kind of a kids film in parts, but great special effects and wonderful ideas of a possible future....and very funny in parts.

I can't believe no one has mentioned;....edit ah just been mentioned.

The Shawshank Redemption.
Fabulous story of the human condition, played by fabulous actors.... one of my favourite parts being when Morgan freeman playing 'Red' finds the black rock his friend has left him at the end of the film.

Vertigo (1958)
...or any of that Alfred Hitchcock set.
Great crazy suspense movie, James Stewart is just one of my most favourite actors... I'll say no more.
In no particular order except for number 1 (and its almost impossible to list just 5).

1) Blood Simple - Coen brothers first and best thriller - true old school film noir stuff with stunning performances and a great soundtrack

2) Breakfast at Tiffanys - Audrey's finest moment - a classic slice of the sixties, a trifle corny seen in today's light but nonetheless superb - with Henry Mancini's classic soundtrack

3) The Exorcist - Scariest film ever made - superbly honed piece of horror

4) Amelie - French oddball romantic comedy ticks all the boxes

5) Leon - Hired killer meets orphan! This film has it all action, tension, pathos superb acting and a killer soundtrack

And there are so many more....

West Side Story, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Run Lola Run, Dark Star, Airplane, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, The Family Way, When Harry Met Sally, The Draughtsman Contract, Starship Troopers, The Maltese Falcon, any Marx Brothers film, LA Confidential, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Donnie Darko, Brighton Rock, Ringu, Raising Arizona - I could go on :)
Not a huge film fan to be honest, but my top 3 have to be:

1. Shawshank Redemption - Just a great film!
2. Back To the Furute (Trilogy) - Just my kind of sci-fi
3. Blues Brothers - Another perfect film!