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Chaz Photos

Jack Elam
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I like to know your views on this shot please
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Cracking shot - I like it a lot. There's a pronounced red cast spoiliing it for me and the skin tones are far too red. I'd like to see a little highlight recovery on the bodice and on the near upper arm - but that's being really picky.

I've tried to make a bit more of the atmosphere...


Just my opinion and I'd certainly be proud of it if it was mine. :)
I like it, both versions tbh, I think that is down to personal taste whether its the original warm version or the cooler edit, both work imo. Yes the bride looks slightly uncomfortable, mainly due to position/stance of the her right arm. The contrasty lighting works very well for me, due to the nature of the location and certainly appears to have been deliberate. CT's edit dose seem to show the detail a little more, which is good. (y)
she has a very mischievous look in her eyes, ill give the marriage 3 months
nice shot btw
Nice, I personally would have had the boquet in the other hand though. Her "Fist" is a bit off putting. So boquet in right hand, and get her left hand places on her chest, very elegantly.
i like the first images with the groom in focus, but the way its showing on my screen when i unintentionally crop out from just above her bracelet works much better for me. i dont know if its a cardinal sin to loose half a boquet , but from an amateur point of view i much prefer it that way and you dont see the clenched fist which i find really distracting.

I like it. Her clenched hand is a little off putting but other than that I like it a lot.

Composition is great, but as already pointed out, the highlights are blown upper body, and the arms/hands look akwards. Definately a shot to work on and perfect though.
:plus1: for background in focus. I do prefer the warmer version to the cooler one, though. And I agree that the lighting is a wee bit harsh.

So for me, original version if you can make the lighting less harsh.
she has a very mischievous look in her eyes, ill give the marriage 3 months
nice shot btw

:LOL: That look in her eyes along with her man standing a few steps behind looking on longingly tells a story, it does....... :LOL:
cracking image like the warm tones a tad more personally but love the edit too just the fist thing as others have mentioned but that asside its a real corker