Your Website Name (and why)


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Just been reading some threads and noticing most people have their website in their sig

Some i'm not so keen on and others i quite like, so out of curiousity (and some may be more obvious than others) why did you choose your company/website name?
is it a personal thing for you or if it's a business is it to connect with you as a person or is it something that you think will appeal to your market etc?

mines because i'm alex smith and most others were gone and i wanted it short and memorable(ish) obviously it reads a little like "as images" but i'm not too fussed about that
I don't have a website but my wife does - and that's named as a combination of the subject it covers and her name. Since it promotes her business, I'm not sure I'm allowed to post the name and address of the site but it takes the form (if I substitute my name and hobby) of
My main website is and was chosen because the '88 Quattrovalvole Countach was the car I had when I set the website up, and which is dedicated to Lamborghinis.

My photography website is which was chosen based on a nickname I acquired during my days of being a glider pilot.

Seemed like a good idea at the time. Actually, I was after something a bit different when I was putting a site of my urban exploration photos together. I came up with this as I wanted something quite generic and not urbex related so that I could completely change the content in the future and not be lumbered with an irrelevant domain name. Unfortunately the .com (and domain name was owned by a TV Production company of the same name who do all the Fred Dibnah programmes. So, I went for the .org as it was available and cheap:D
Mine is, which is just my name.

I do weddings, and I want my service to be personal, something which I think could be lost with a "named" company. I also feel that as an individual having a "named" company would look like I'm trying to be bigger than I actually am. I am also terrible at thinking of good names :p
I haven't started my site up yet but have myself a name registered, although it has nothing to do with photography.
I have quite a few domain names (and a number of variations), I orginally set up for events I didn't choose my own name at the time as I wanted to come across a more business like and there are already 2 other Photographers called Simon Harding! (and a few variations) when I expanded in to Weddings and Portraits I started using the Just See brand but during the middle of this year I decided that it wasn't personal enough for the type of photography I wanted to offer my Wedding and Portrait clients so I've just started using the domain I already had for my personal stuff.
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Previous sites were named with T.Rex songs/albums, Warrior Photography, White Swan.

I was dissappointed with my self doing shoot and burn weddings and decided I need to get better and get more confident.

So now I just want to shoot for fun and practice, practice and practice and get more confident until I happy with what I produce.
half expected this thread to be a bit dull with the reasons but there are a few i'd probably have never guessed :)
I already had my initials and surname becuase my name was already away :( so

But I wanted somethig else and I will at some point switch. I watched an advert on the telly and the girl at the end of a make up advert said Step Into The Light....

So was born :) My main site is the one above but I'll switch at some point.

RandomImages, simply because none of the shots I take are really staged, all random.

Website is under construction still, ' I'll get around to doing it later '
Last edited: - My last name - my company name. Because I'm an expert in AIX - Our holiday home's website. Seaholme has been the property's name since it was built in the '70s - My partner's website to promote her art and paintings (Not really setup yet). Domain name is just her name. - My partner's still not started business. Name because she want to sell painting kits for kids of real art.
I was looking for the shortest name possible but wanted something that people would remember but at the same time have something related to photography.

One of the first things that I was told a few years back was to find the shortest name possible, Nobody likes entering website addresses that are huge. The shorter the name the easier it is to remember and the less chance there is of getting the spelling wrong.

plus the fact that is a lot shorter and easier to spell than would have been
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When Freeserve started the first 'no-subscription' dial-up service back in the last millenneum, I was signing up and it prompted me for a username. Not having time to think deeply, I chose Duncolm, the name of the hill opposite where I lived then.
I later registered it as a to use for an e-mail address, and for the various websites I've had over the years.
Meltingpot comes from my two favorite plays, the alchemist and the crucible; the pictures bit is obvious but I also like the alliteration of it all. It actually developed itself about 5 years ago when I had to set up a fictitious film company for a media studies assignment. When I set up my photography business I decided to keep the name despite it being a bit of a mouthful.
mine is

When l opened my Flickr account nearly 7 years ago, l soon wanted a name to use that would be a bit more interesting.
l sat and thought about it, and analysed what my hobby (as my photography was back then) really was.
l kinda decided my images were showing others how l see the angle on life. Maddy's angles......tadah!
lt stuck after that, and when l started doing work for people l realised it was catchy enough that people locally were remembering it.

l don't like it now, but it's it stays.
Mines Onemileahead is purely based on a signpost I spotted driving into Hexham just before the road turns into a dual carriage way "1 mileahead"

I thought it would be a cool name (wasn't into photography at the time) and its stuck.
Mine is KRYSALIS PHOTOGRAPHY. I wanted something slightly abstract and strong. Kodak knew the strength in the letter K - I wanted to take an image and change it to what I want it to be, like a metamorphosis of sorts so the Chrysalis seemed natural to me and I substituted the CH for the K and thus KRYSALIS was born.
I ahve had different domain names for differernt things I ahve done online over the last 20 yrs..I own multiple domains now.

Currently photography and using KIPAX.COM

I needed a word that wasn't being used by anyone else.. not copyrighted or regged anywhere..on the internet or anywhere.. so I decided to make one up.. I wanted it to be short and only 2 cylables and easy to remember... I played around with combos of letters until I came up wiht kipax that rolled off the tounge well

I now use kipax on all messageboards and the like... people at football call me kipax and think thats my name... most only know me as kipax... as a brand its worked 99% well but I do get confused for a man city fan and i do have to remind people only one P.. otherwise great :)

Its worked out well and like or or many other brands.. the domain name certainly doesnt have to be descriptive of what you do.. I get jobs through people finding me on google as I am consistantly in the top 10 (and a lot of time in top 5) for "sports photography" again proving the domain name isnt that important for search

IMHO A short well remebered name is far more important than a long desriptive name with underscores and blah blah

ADDYONBIT: I could have bought the car reg plate K1P4X for less than 500 quid.. nearly did until someone asked me if I really wanted everyone to know which was my car full of camera equipment...
Last edited: for my car stuff, because AutoFocus was already taken. for my creative stuff. Says all it needs to lol
PerfectSpeed for me, read this during my skydiving days and it stuck in my head, It pretty much sums up my photography too.

“You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.“