Your websites?!

General photography split into: landscape, studio, portraits and reportage

Plus, design work, some produced for clients and some conceptual.

Anton Roland, I used and thought it was a godsend - easy to use, simple to set up and fairly cheap for what I want. Can't speak highly enough of it :)
Have done a good bit of maintenance but LOTS still need to be done.

Would appreciate it if some of you good peeps would have a looky again and make some recommendations.

Much appreciated.(y)
A very nice site Anton :)
fab pictures too

Thanks kmlc

If there is anything not good please tell me, I can take it, promise:D
Anton, classy, simple use of the Clikpic template - nice work.

I do feel you have too many 'tabs' at the top though. Maybe cut one or two out such as reviews and news. I take it that you're primarily wanting to get commissions and paid work out of the site so anything that's not required, ditch it I think. Just makes it easier to navigate. Also cut down some of the text so you don't have to do too much scrolling down.

I'd suggest you try and get your gallery 'thumbnails' the same size too – it just looks better than having landscape and portrait-shaped shots mingled. It's easier on the eye.

Great colour scheme by the way and I like the 'Capture It' name - good choice.

Looks like South Africa has some amazing scenery for you to take shots of. :)
Anton, classy, simple use of the Clikpic template - nice work.

I do feel you have too many 'tabs' at the top though. Maybe cut one or two out such as reviews and news. I take it that you're primarily wanting to get commissions and paid work out of the site so anything that's not required, ditch it I think. Just makes it easier to navigate. Also cut down some of the text so you don't have to do too much scrolling down.

I'd suggest you try and get your gallery 'thumbnails' the same size too – it just looks better than having landscape and portrait-shaped shots mingled. It's easier on the eye.

Great colour scheme by the way and I like the 'Capture It' name - good choice.

Looks like South Africa has some amazing scenery for you to take shots of. :)

Wow, thanks, lots of quality input there(y)

Will take it onboard and make work of it.


P.S. there is still loads of places I want to get to for really nice scenery shots - those you saw are just around the daily patch;)
Hi guys

some fantastic sites posted so far , i wasn`t sure if i should post mine after looking at the others .

My wife Alyson help with it as she loves to work on the photo`s i take . so here it is

another clikpic sorry :shake:, still some work to do but hopefuly we are getting there with it

Heres my attempt through Photium.

Could you let me know what you think about the layout rather than the content as I've only just set it up and need a spare week:bang: to sort out all my photos.
Cheers, Mark
Hi englandshottest2

Like it a lot, the only things is I would have the menu above the fold at he top or side, rather than at the bottom makes for easier nav, as you have to scroll to the menu and for some reason I think the Home link is better on the left rather than right. eg first link not last after all it is your front page,1st page, JMO
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thanks :D:D:D ...yea i know what you mean re: link positioning, I've been making plans to place them at the side or something, because i need more room for more 'sub-links'! and they wont all fit at the bottom lol, do it all myself so at least i can change it as often as the wind without having to get a web designer onto it!
This is mine:

It's just my hobby site, I'm not a pro lol, and features friends but mainly family. Super excited as my nephew was born yesterday and I feel a newborn photo shoot coming on, if my brother and sister-in-law will let me borrow their son LOL!
hey here is my new website its getting updated all the time which is grand and i will have some nature and stacy shots going up this evening!

I've only just set it up and put a sample bunch of of images up. Pixelpost requires a lot of tinkering....still lots of little changes I want making....perfectionist when it comes to these things.

C&C welcome :)

I've only just set it up and put a sample bunch of of images up. Pixelpost requires a lot of tinkering....still lots of little changes I want making....perfectionist when it comes to these things.

C&C welcome :)

The Hammersmith HDR is awesome (y)

site is nice, good layout and looks "right"...if you get me