Zenfolio custom themes

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I have zenfolio integrated into my website to use for the galleries. I have never played around with any of the inner workings of zenfolio through fear of breaking something. But I have finally started working out how to make themes, so that the gallery pages integrate with the rest of my site better.

However, having created a new theme and set it to the top level folder, it hasn't filtered down to the lower levels.
I have to change the theme manually for each sub folder, and then again for each gallery etc..

There must be a simple way to apply the changes to all folders and galleries, and have it set as default for all new folders and galleries, but I can't work out how.

Can anyone help?
You need to set your new design as a default and then set other pages to use the default theme. This isn't a problem if you are building a new site from scratch. But if you are trying to do it for an existing site you may have to go through it page by page and set it to use the default theme (which is what I ended up doing).