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Hello all.

This is Zia I forget what the breed name was but it was a doodle of some kind (sorry)
I'm a Plasterer and was quoting/measuring a job the other day ( I had worked for the couple about 5 years ago ). Anyways I digress ! They had this dog and it made a right fuss of me.
I had to call back yesterday to look at something else, I remembered the dog and thought it would make a good subject, trouble is i'm lacking in confidence (fear of failure) so I would most likely never open my mouth and ask if I could take any photos. As it happens I did and took these. I shot at very narrow dof one because of low light levels but more importantly I thought they would suit the dog and surroundings.
The lady of the house loves shabby chic style.
Any feedback comments are more than welcome.





Cracking shots. Your fear of failure should stop here, im sure the lady of the house will love these.
Awww soooo cute, you have done really well 1, 3 and 6 for me
Your DoF is fine

I do think the ball in the first is distracting and could be edited out or replaced but that's just my view
Awww soooo cute, you have done really well 1, 3 and 6 for me
Your DoF is fine

I do think the ball in the first is distracting and could be edited out or replaced but that's just my view
Many thanks Helen. I am happy to hear that the dof is ok as I was really starting to think I should have used a bounced flash and higher fstop.
Re the ball. I havent tried to edit it out but did think on reflection it maybe worth trying.

Appreciate you stopping by and leaving some feedback

ps: 1 3 and 6? (5 images only) :)
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Many thanks Helen. I am happy to hear that the dof is ok as I was really starting to think I should have used a bounced flash and higher fstop.
Re the ball. I havent tried to edit it out but did think on reflection it maybe worth trying.

Appreciate you stopping by and leaving some feedback

ps: 1 3 and 6? (5 images only) :)

6, I had to use my other hand to count them ;)
Woops my mistake I was counting the joined image as one :-(
Hi Helen just took the ball of the above as I have the time to faff. Do you think it works better ?


Hi Gary, re your pm and post

I think it does, that may not be the opinion of others

I'm guessing here, that you blurred out the foreground/carpet in post process ? if so, it may help a bit to show a bit more of the texture
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Hi Gary, re your pm and post

I think it does, that may not be the opinion of others

I'm guessing here, that you blurred out the foreground/carpet in post process ? if so, it may help a bit to show a bit more of the texture
Hi Helen thanks for taking the time to look and help me improve. No I didnt add any blur in post this was how it was taken. To remove the ball I just cloned in a straight line from just right side of the ball area then a couple of clicks of the clone on top just to stop any repeat patterns showing.

Hi Helen thanks for taking the time to look and help me improve. No I didnt add any blur in post this was how it was taken. To remove the ball I just cloned in a straight line from just right side of the ball area then a couple of clicks of the clone on top just to stop any repeat patterns showing.

Hi Gary, as I said is just my opinion and I think they are lovely.