Zooki's 365 Day 13- SHE'S BACK!

Day 6.


today has been ace, went to the hairdressers, theyve taken hair samples and should have a call tomorrow saying come in:D
i also bought a whole outfit including acessories for £24, i am impressed:D

the picture today is me saying goodbye to my old hair (kind of) and hello to new:D ...therefore not encorporating it at all...um..

yuh, enjoy:D
Day 6.


today has been ace, went to the hairdressers, theyve taken hair samples and should have a call tomorrow saying come in:D
i also bought a whole outfit including acessories for £24, i am impressed:D

the picture today is me saying goodbye to my old hair (kind of) and hello to new:D ...therefore not encorporating it at all...um..

yuh, enjoy:D

Lovely eyes :)

Why the hell do they need Hair Samples????

to see if it will fall out once theyve permed it:p

im not feminine enough to be bald:D
Day 6 looks like a really good shot and the PP looks cool. Its got too much jpg compression though and it looks blocky.

I'm enjoying this 365 - keep it up

I'll subscribe to another 365... Looks like it could turn out quite interesting as (not being rude zooki) your kinda quirky! :D
ps im from horsham..
-hides face-
oh yuh, quirky isnt good.
I mean fun... Happy go lucky... No worries kinda gal... (no offense was intended)

Where did you go to school and how old (if you don't mind me asking) are you??
millais and collyers (doesnt everyone in horsham?)
Well not Millais for me...

Tanbridge House and Collyers!
Loved it at both of em.

Small world eh, your spoilt for choice on photos in Brighton.
hmmm who do i know thats 29...

kate wojtanowska
matt oleary
chris ewans
chris evans
david vincent
paul stewart
kieran and kevin jerimia
Spot on processing on the image it really works well zooki! (y)

My Auntie, Uncle and my two Cousin's live in Horsham, my youngest Cousin is 21 in september too. He is called John Grundy?
thanks pickle
he'll be a year below me, im an august birthday.
how exciting!
:LOL: My Auntie is retireing from teaching this year but I cant remember the name of the School she teaches in at all!
sods law she used to teach me:p
Day 7.
im doing this early today because i have nothing else to do, i might change it later anyway and get a proper shot.
here is the new hair, its not that noticable...yet, its going to get bigger.
i look like a cross between the guy from toploader and that girl from skins and i feel like a poodle.
its awesome.

before- a month ago at download (i loved those sunglasses:()

after- 15 minutes ago. please ignore the bad face, not enough make up.
aye, its still red from my old colouring, i look so irish its untrue. boyfriend hasnt seen it yet...
glad you like, im starting to think it may have been a mistake lulz.
Day 8.
You've been framed..i said to the goose.


today has been really surreal, i woke up and washed my new hair, it didnt look good..
i got home from town after buying a defusser for my hair drying and my step father was dressed as snape from harry potter for his school disco.
my mother just came home with a new hair dryer for me despite me not asking for one -psychic?- so we now have far too many electrical hair implements in the house.
boyfriend does not liek the hair so im not quite sure what to do with it.

todays themed permed celebrity: Baby from Dirty Dancing
You have a tripod? The image looks a little blurry around the edges.

And forget the hair - do you like it? Does it make you feel good? then thats the main point!
focused on the lights not the frame.

its ok, needs to calm down a bit, i look like a lion.
As long as you like your hair, that is all that matters. It's the same with clothes, you can wear anything you like so long as you wear it with confidence. There are a few items in my wardrobe for work that are termed "battle armour" simply because I find I walk better, sit better and generally boss the situation.

Stick with it and don't feel so self conscious about it, it's fine.
cheers chicken. ill get used to it, its just biiiiig. doesnt fit underneath my hat:(
its crazy, i havent used the defusser yet, it will actually be curly tomorrow:D

im getting used to it, it suits my personality a bit more than straight hair, i suppose that s a bonus
Day 9. a very terrible day

i've got so much energy, i do not like it. had a very boring day.
i have finally tamed the beast of hair! hooray!
i'm posting this picture because i like the colour of my hair in it. my face looks ODDDDDDDDD though, not quite sure what to do with it..

cheers kids
Day 10. meh

had a terrible day rewriting an article i did for a student magazine as it was 'too personal' guh.
so theres no photo today as i've not had time, instead there is my article.

Applying to university is daunting, where do you start? There are 114 institutions in the UK alone, that’s just too many to visit, so we turn to the Internet. Many of their websites are not the easiest things to navigate but they outline their courses pretty well and give you an idea of what to expect. I applied to Huddersfield, Ravensbourne and Reaseheath, my first choice Ravensbourne didn’t want me so I went to Huddersfield and I’m glad I did, the treacherous journey through London and up the gigantic hill to the “Rave” leaves a lot to be desired.
Unpacking my belongings that would mysteriously multiply in the coming weeks, I said goodbye to my parents as they prepared for the six-hour trip back down to Brighton, my reason for going so far up North was my boyfriend. University can be hard on relationships, some of my friends had found it difficult and broke up before the year began to save heartache. There was even speculation with Prince William and Kate Middleton and whether their romance at St Andrews would survive, with the right balance of course work, jobs and love life it can be done.
Another perk to being at uni is accommodation, you meet so many people from all walks of life. It turned out that all my 14 housemates were of male variety; they’re so much better to live with than girls! There’s always the odd person who will annoy and won’t pull their weight, we had one in our house and it’s an art trying to tell them strategically that they’re becoming a waste of space.
My first day on campus was a blur, my course mates also didn’t understand me, I’m not “posh” but apart from trips to Manchester the North is unknown territory so it came as a massive shock to learn how different things are up there. For one thing alcohol is so much cheaper, in Brighton it can be up to £4.00 a pint + VAT, tax and congestion charge, so when it came to a night on the town in Barnsley I could take out £20, get leathered and still have enough money to pop in and see George our pizza guy.
There are websites named “things UCAS didn’t tell you about university” and the majority of them are true although slightly exaggerated; it does give the impression that students are smelly alcohol and drug induced clones that scrounge money, we aren’t like that. The best way I can describe student life is like living in a bubble, your eating and sleeping habits change dramatically, I’m often still up at four in the morning discussing films with the guys over a can of Strongbow. You can also get away with a lot more than you would in ‘real life’, walking through town in my bright pink coat, leg warmers and Dunlop’s looking like a Fame extra, the locals roll their eyes and mutter ‘bloody students’ under their breathes. It’s like being given the ultimate Community Chest card in Monopoly.
You learn so much living away from home, mainly appreciating home cooked meals, there are only so many times you can go for Thursday curry night at Wetherspoons. Also, clean plates and cutlery are important, mould grows very quickly.
It’s easy to go to university thinking it’s going to be a complete booze fest for three years, that you’ll do a bit of work and come out with a degree, in debt and 2 dress sizes skinnier (I wish), that’s really not the case. From my experience so far I’ve never done so much work in my life, by Christmas I was stressed and had run out of money, but its all a learning curve.
So apart from deadlines and a cash flow problem, I’ve never been happier in my life, I’ve made some amazing friends and had memorable experiences.
So until I get that dreaded letter saying I have to start paying back my loan, I’m going to stay the stereotypical student and live for cheap nights out and Hollyoaks.

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Day 11.
**** day, families are unbelievably irritating.
my favourite subject in the world getting his belly scratched last night.


Day 12.
i've just noticed we own fish..

Day 7 - Went against the blue then? :p

Day 8 - Looks a little out of focus, but nice idea :)

Day 9 - Eyes look really clear in the picture, and skin looks like a fantastic complextion

Day 11 - Cat's really cute :)

Day 12 - How didn't you notice they were there?? :LOL:

(You need to update the thread title btw) :)
- yes i went against the blue, hair isnt crazy huge anymore, im quite sad about that.
- i was running out of stuff to photograph
- thanks for the comment, no photoshop done on it either
- cat is gorgeous, he hasnt got long left though, hes 19:(
- were moving at the moment, there were tucked in the corner amongst boxes, my mum asked last night if i would feed them today, so i went hunting for these so called fish and i found them.