Zoom Blur Help

Edit My Images
I struggle so much with post-processing and could do with more help than is reasonable to ask for here. I just cannot get to grips with Photoshop at all - layers in particular - despite reading all the recommended books and trying to follow the tutorials I’ve found on the internet. It’ll probably take years but one way or another I’m determined to get there in the end.

You might be able to help with this particular shot though: if anyone could tell me what to do to achieve the effect that I’m after (to wit, dog exploding into frame conveying a sense of dynamic forward motion) I’d be extremely grateful :) I’m really not being lazy and shot this with composition for subsequent PP in mind:


I never imagined that I could get enough of the white stuff as we seldom see much of it for long in this part of the country. After a week of quite literally being cut off and having to work from home (i.e. phoning the office in the morning then playing with the camera, dog and horse in the snow for the rest of the day ;)) the novelty palled and I found myself looking for ways to jazz things up.


I did actually manage to get a few reasonable zoom blur shots straight from camera using a tripod, sausage bribes for Ginge and a Canon 75-300mm lens but would really like to “do stuff” in Photoshop. Help! :shrug:

I think I’ve ticked the OK to edit box in my profile but if not, please feel free to work your magic on this one for me anyway. Just tell me what you did and how! One thing I’d particularly like to know is how to paste more foreground in so that the hound has got more to “run into”.

Thanks in advance for your help and words of wisdom. I’m thick skinned – be brutal and hold nothing back! :geek: I genuinely want to learn so any advice would be most welcome.
In Photoshop duplicate the background layer. Then erase the dog on the new upper layer.

Then filters > Blur > Radial Blur. Change the blur method from 'radial' to 'zoom' and
play around the the 'amount' setting until you're happy with it. Flatten the image and
its done...
Sorry, missed the bit about the foreground. Did this by going in to Image, then
Canvas size. Click the top arrow so the canvas will only increase downwards.
You'll have to play around with amount until you're happy with it.

After that simply Clone the snow into the new part, once thats done you can
then do the Zoom thing...
