Zoom issue

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I have my first 'non compact' camera - Samsung NX10 - & have found that with both of the lenses I have ( 18-55 & 50-200 ) that on the manual setting, when I use the zoom ring, I sometimes get a much closer view of the subject ( through viewfinder as well as on screen ) as I compose the picture than I actually get when I press the button to take the shot.

Is this likely to be related to the particular type of mirrorless camera I have or is it common across all cameras ?

I'm more familiar with SLR's and these rarely show 100% of the scene through the viewfinder. Having said that it is only slightly more on the shot than you can see in the viewfinder.

Sounds like you have some sort of manual focus aid that automatically enlarges the centre of the frame in the viewfinder/screen.
I'm not familiar witb your camera, but the gf1 has this feature on by default when you focus manually. When you're zooming, you're not also accidentally touching a focus ring are you?

I guess also that when you finish zooming the display goes back to the field of view you'd be expecting?
Yes it's a zoom (probably not at the pixel level) think it's called 'manual assist' Can be turned off through the menu if you don't want.

Don't know how other cameras deal with this though the viewfinder or LCD screen won't show if manual focussing is sharp enough.
Thanks for the help with this, now i understand, its actually a useful focussing feature.