What's Up With The Kingfishers?


Bo Derek
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A little worried.........

This time last year, I had seen a pair of Kingfishers bonding at my licenced site by now, the male had over wintered onsite too. Over the next few weeks, I was aware of other nest sites becoming active, at least 3 others and everything was under way by the end of March. This year, so far, nothing, not even a call.

It's concerning as out of 5 nests sites last year, none are active this year so far. It's still a little early maybe but I thought I would've at least heard one by now, we are well into the window.
The cold snap we had 6 weeks or so ago hasn't helped, it may have driven any over wintering birds from the river to the estuaries. Then we had a big river spate, it was huge, where I normally stand was under 8 or 9 feet of water and quite big stretches of banking have collapsed. Also, there has been some bramble clearing, as well as some tree branch cutting along the rivers here, I'm guessing the fishing clubs. It's cold again at the moment but not drastically so, not enough to freeze the rivers.

Kingfishers are pretty robust, suprisingly so but cold weather isn't to their favour, they are susceptible to it.

So hopefully they are just late but I have little doubt some have succumbed, there's still time but I am getting twitchy.

Fingers crossed.
The Best from the East was apparently bad news for Kingfishers. Hopefully this year is not a repeat.
Bird flue ? :(
Bird flue ? :(

That did cross my mind, especially being aquatic birds and also, if they have spent winter at the estuaries, they'd maybe be more susceptible.

It is still early, there's time yet but I'd have thought I'd have seen signs by now.

Ravens have nested nearby and a few big rookeries are under way too. Corvids are usually one of the first to nest and the Kingfishers tend not to be far behind.

We'll see what the next weeks bring.
I had an email during the week from a photographer who runs a kingfisher workshop in Suffolk. He noted that the kingfishers had paired up but it was still early days.
I had an email during the week from a photographer who runs a kingfisher workshop in Suffolk. He noted that the kingfishers had paired up but it was still early days.

That's reassuring. It is still quite early. I had seen courtship by 7th March last year, so it could/should be anytime now here too.

Dale hopefully they will show up.
Fingers crossed.

Thanks David.
Buddy you have forgotten more than I know about the little mites but they are tiny things affected by cold and the weather is all over the shop, I'd also sumise you ahve learnt a shed load over these last few years and it's these years a succession of mild winters which are your yard stick. My friend I guess what I'm trying to say is don't worry too much get ya head down do what ya do give 'em time weather like we have just had is about survival for some species breeding is likely to be set back.Your river that much in spate seems a huge thing to my unlearned eye.

It'll be ok bro just bide your time it might be harder to " get in" find a nest this year but you'll win mate
Just do what you do (y)

Lol Dale forgive me I have to be a glass half full guy there isn't another way through the day;)
Buddy you have forgotten more than I know about the little mites but they are tiny things affected by cold and the weather is all over the shop, I'd also sumise you ahve learnt a shed load over these last few years and it's these years a succession of mild winters which are your yard stick. My friend I guess what I'm trying to say is don't worry too much get ya head down do what ya do give 'em time weather like we have just had is about survival for some species breeding is likely to be set back.Your river that much in spate seems a huge thing to my unlearned eye.

It'll be ok bro just bide your time it might be harder to " get in" find a nest this year but you'll win mate
Just do what you do (y)

Lol Dale forgive me I have to be a glass half full guy there isn't another way through the day;)

Thanks for the words Stu. (y)

Yup, still early days and it was cold, really cold a few weeks ago, the rivers were partly frozen. As mentioned above too, there's bird flu.

Lots of time yet, I'll keep an eye out over the coming weeks, I'm walking the river twice a week.
Dale, I feel your concern and pain and go through the same feelings every year at my location too. We have gone from total drought and empty lakes last year, to recent flooding and lots of nest sites are currently under water. I've not yet seen any of last years birds, but a few days ago, I did have a new bird arrive that seemed to be excavating a new nest somewhere nearby.

When you follow their progress over a number of years, it's not possible to disengage with them and we suffer those pangs of concern each year, until we see them once again. Just remember that feeling of elation that you will undoubtedly get again in the next few weeks!
Dale, I feel your concern and pain and go through the same feelings every year at my location too. We have gone from total drought and empty lakes last year, to recent flooding and lots of nest sites are currently under water. I've not yet seen any of last years birds, but a few days ago, I did have a new bird arrive that seemed to be excavating a new nest somewhere nearby.

When you follow their progress over a number of years, it's not possible to disengage with them and we suffer those pangs of concern each year, until we see them once again. Just remember that feeling of elation that you will undoubtedly get again in the next few weeks!

Cheers Glynn.

I hear you and you're right, I'm sure they will return, they're just late this year. They've had a tough winter with one thing and another.

There is a slight glimmer of hope, a friend said to me just a few days ago that he is sure he heard one. I'm off out today to check again, fingers crossed as we are well into the Kingfisher window now.
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There seems to be a lot of brush clearing going on here in Wales, places that have been overgrown for years are now bare, all sorts of places you'd think would get left alone, river banks, hidden corners around bridges, you name it it's getting cleared.
I dont know if theres new regulations or something, but it seems odd to be spending money clearing these places most people dont go.
There seems to be a lot of brush clearing going on here in Wales, places that have been overgrown for years are now bare, all sorts of places you'd think would get left alone, river banks, hidden corners around bridges, you name it it's getting cleared.
I dont know if theres new regulations or something, but it seems odd to be spending money clearing these places most people dont go.

Actually, it's happening here too. Maybe a post Covid thing and now they can get out and do it. I have a feeling our local fishing club are clearing brush here. It's long stretches too, not just spots.
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Just over 6 hours on the river today and not a cheep, nothing.

There were some droppings on the nest banking, underneath protruding roots, could be KF, could be something else, although I would only really expect KF to be on the banking like that. I spent a decent period there and heard/saw nothing.
Did a few short miles this afternoon, into evening. Still no signs of anything Kingfisher wise, no sight or sound. I had seen several by this time last year.

I did check some files from last year and there were food passes at one site, mid April. So could still be a little early but we are definately in the window now.

On a side, a local pond had tons of Sandmartins on it, dive bombing flies, so they are back, at least.
There were some photos of some taken round here in Oxfordshire last week on social media, so fingers crossed for you soon.
Covered a lot of ground today, including a bit of driving too. Still drew a blank.

However, I got talking to a local who told me a friend of his had heard a Kingfisher last Friday. I know of the guy in question and he knows his stuff, so there is some hope.
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...and we're in, my original site had 2 KFs on it today, burrowing and chasing/courtship activity. Also, an active site further upstream, 2 KFs chasing each other, and I just happen to be licenced there too.

My babies are back, I never doubted them. :LOL:

...and we're in, my original site had 2 KFs on it today, burrowing and chasing/courtship activity. Also, an active site further upstream, 2 KFs chasing each other, and I just happen to be licenced there too.

My babies are back, I never doubted them. :LOL:

Great stuff Dale :)
See told ya........................ all ya needed was a bit of faith.... a .life lesson for ya Dale........................... listen to the guy who hasn't a clue wot he's talking about :LOL:

So now all you have to do is show me better than last years or the year before or the year............

no pressure then :runaway:

I'm really stoked buddy off you go(y)
See told ya........................ all ya needed was a bit of faith.... a .life lesson for ya Dale........................... listen to the guy who hasn't a clue wot he's talking about :LOL:

So now all you have to do is show me better than last years or the year before or the year............

no pressure then :runaway:

I'm really stoked buddy off you go(y)

I'll certainly be trying my best Stu.

So tempted to go back today and I'm certain as I can be I would have come away with an image. This Jedi has learned though, patience, best to let them settle in first.
Softly softly catchy most fings.get the image one wants no.get closer to that frame yes:)
...and we're in, my original site had 2 KFs on it today, burrowing and chasing/courtship activity. Also, an active site further upstream, 2 KFs chasing each other, and I just happen to be licenced there too.

My babies are back, I never doubted them. :LOL:


Great news Dale (y)

I can fully relate mate, I've just had my first evening this year on the LEO's.
I was starting to fret, I'd been there an hour without any sign, then one came gliding over the hill and down towards me :banana: its always a relief to see ya birds back :)
Great news Dale (y)

I can fully relate mate, I've just had my first evening this year on the LEO's.
I was starting to fret, I'd been there an hour without any sign, then one came gliding over the hill and down towards me :banana: its always a relief to see ya birds back :)

I'm made up Phil, can't wait now. Slow and steady wins the race though. (y)

Good luck with your owls.
Tomorrow (Saturday) is the day. I'm going tooled up, with my rebar, cable ties, perch, camera and hidey kit.

Plan is to watch first and see how/if they are settled. It's still early days so it's a tender time. Care is utmost.

If I feel they are not put off or distressed, I will set up, there is a spot just downstream by about 60 metres, where a river spate last year created a channel actually through the river bank. That channel is about 3 feet wide and overlooks the river, 90 degrees to it. I can set up there, put a perch out and once I get covered in scrim, the KFs will be none the wiser that I'm there and should just fly by all day, hopefully stopping to check out the new perch. The female perched last week on a branch close to the channel.

I've not been back for almost a week, I wanted to give them time to settle as they'd not long turned up, possibly the same day as my last visit.

Licence printed, stealth mode engaged. :cool:
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Well, it's a start.............

IMGL0350 tp.jpg

I can't figure it out though. I saw this same bird 3 times over a 2 mile stretch today. I am as certain as I can be it was the same one each time. Normally, along that stretch, there would be at least 2 nests, possibly 3 at times. To my mind, there is just this single bird about, or possibly, the female is sitting on eggs and this is the male. I've not pinpointed any nests this year so far. I normally can't keep up by now, I lose count of sightings on any given outing and a mix of different birds/pairs.

It's all a bit odd. :thinking:

My original licenced site seems vacant again, the banking there has had a hammering again over the winter with 2 big river spates. there were 2 KFs there a few weeks ago, showing bonding behaviours but not a single bird yesterday or today, during 2, 6 hour stints.
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Good to see, may be it's dominated the area?

I went for a KF walk this afternoon but not a peep, river level is very high though.

When the river is up, if there are any local ish ponds, that's where they'll be if they are around.

You may already know their call Gav but if not, learn it, 99/100 times, you'll hear them before you see them. (y)