Webby Photo52 - Week 52 - Glass added

That is a nice shot. I really like that lighting. I think I'm becoming borderline obsessed by photos with good use of light!

I don't smoke either, but I like the smell of unlit cigars and cigarettes :D
Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words.

Please find my very first attempt at some food photography.
Now this is a hard thing to get right, and i'm not sure I have nailed it yet, but it is something i'm gonna keep having a go at!

The slate was a great find! £2 from Wickes, and glossed up with ground nut oil!

Enjoy my take on WEIRD.....



Adie.. see..now ..i'm gagging...first it was screws on toast...now condensed milk sandwich.... i know the taste of that stuff... :p .... nice product shot..well lit. lovely touch with slate as base...even to the point of dribbling out... nooooo..thats weird!
Please tell me that you didn't actually eat that :puke:

Food photography is notoriously difficult and I think you've done a great job with this. The composition and way that you've lit just the sandwich and tin is spot on.
Only 2 areas where I can offer any suggestions for improvement :

- The texture of the bread does seem to be slightly better defined towards the rear edge than at the front - I think the lighting has caused some loss of detail toward the front which is a bit of a shame.
Perhaps if you'd had the light lower down so that it was just sweeping along the top of the sandwich rather than lighting it from above it would have helped - but you'd have to seriously soften the light to avoid harsh shadows doing it that way.

- The dark part of the background could do with cleaning up. There are a couple of crumbs about and some patches are not quite black.
Nothing a bit of cloning and burning wouldn't fix though.

p.s. (y) That is one sexy piece of slate. It makes a great background and in fact I feel a trip to Wickes coming on.

many thanks, I don't think I've had a comment from you since I started.... It seems so long ago...

Your points are helpful and valid, and NO, i didn't eat it. :puke:

It was a fave of my mothers when she was a child though!!!!

The slate was Riven Grey slate, £2.13 from Wickes.(y)
Just clean it with a sponge and water, then when dry, rub a little natural oil into it.

And wow, you will want to shoot everything on it LOL :bonk:

It is SEXY!!! LOL
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That's a really well exposed photograph. Nice clarity throughout.

I really like how the mike oozes out of the bread.

Nnnniiiccccee slate as well..

Hiya Adie,

Now this confirms that I must be weird, because I still eat condense milk sandwiches to this day .... I love them :D

The composition works well, only thing for me though, and it is probably just me, but normally I would put a spoon down the other way and my OCD is getting the better of me here and I want to reach in an turn the spoon over :LOL:

Agree with SarahLee about the crumbs and background.

Now this has got me hungry for a cup of tea and condense milk sanie.


Dawn :)
Hi Adie

never heard of condernsed milk sarneies....very weird ! Only use the stuff ofr making tablet....very scrummy but very calorific :LOL:

The shot ....great lighting & love the slate...well spotted & used to great effect . I can't see any crumbs on my monitor ? Love the little dribble of milk on the can & the overflow from the sarnie (y) I'm with Dawn on the spoon though...OCD !
Evap on a sponge flan base - yummy, but let it soak in for best results.

Adie, nice shot and certainly weird as far as a sandwich goes.

The slate base is a good idea.
I picked up some broken roller blinds from B&Q the other week for a £1 each, I'm hoping they will make a good clean continuous background one day.
good call. I love the old DIY Blue Peter photography kit :)

Might be a good thread topic :thinking:


Running a little late again, but here is my take on WIND.

At first I thought how will I convey an image of a lot of moving air, then I thought outside the box, and looked at the word another way (although I still included the sky and clouds to add another layer to the shot).



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Thanks guys,

You are of course right about the reflection, but it was so difficult to light and expose for the sky and the watch, and get the angle. In the end I was running out of light, so had to settle on this.

Not ideal, but there we go, photography is hunting, not shopping....

My brother bought the same watch years ago....and it's a cracker.

The photograph is well exposed, well focused and sharp.

I'd have missed the reflection, but it works well anyway.

Hiya Adie,

I like your take on the 'wind' theme .... indeed a subject with two meanings and I think you have done well with the lighting etc. I also like how you have the watch date set to the 6th and your saying you were behind :D

The inclusion of the background works well too adding to the concept of winding time on.

Well done


Dawn :)
Very nice shot for "Wind" and I like the background really makes the shot for me.
Reflection doesn't bother me. Good composition/crop. Sharp and good exposure.

This is a bit late because I was trawling the charity shops for a tape cassette to add to the shot, but no joy, so here is is without :(


Lighting was a bit of a challenge, as I needed to have a very long exposure to get the ipod screen lit, but with a few flashes I think I managed it.

Its a bit cluttered, but hopefully sticks to the theme.


I hope you mean evolution of media for playing music and not the evolution of the 'Now' series of albums!

It does look a little cluttered but it works.
Lighting looks fine, but the shadow off the CD is a little harsh.

Now if you have all of the Now series, you've got a 'record' of music over a long time!
Lucky my last idea for week 32 gave me the inspiration for this weeks efforts, and I managed to shoot both at the same time.


Again, I have tried to layer the shot with two meanings of the theme.


I realise it's hard to control the reflection on vinyl, but I find the three light reflections on each of the records too distracting. They add to the picture, but I feel they're too harsh.

Other than that I like the shot.
The two meanings are there and it's a nice composition.
You may want to remove the dust before you play them though!
Hiya Adie,

Well done on both 'evolution' and 'record' .... how lucky for you that the one idea covers both themes ;)

If I had known you were looking for a cassette I could have posted you one, I still have a few from the good old days.

I like the lighting on both shots and the mono works well on the 'record' photo. In a way the dust adds to the feel of the image.

Good job on both, now you can sit back and relax.


Dawn :)
damn you Adie man.!! ... i was going to get some of the old Barry manilow records out of the loft and take them... being smashed up admittedly... but it would have been FOR the record!! the reflection is distracting me, rather ... (y)
Hi Adie

Love your take on Wind...took me ages to see the reflection mentioned so it doesn't bother me...great background & sharpness to the dial...great shot (y)

Brilliant idea for Evolution...could've sent you a cassette over..got loads stored away including several " now thats what I call music" ! Nice selection & well laid out,slightly too much glare from the cd (but no idea how you could've reduced it ) & I'd have maybe moved the phone slightly further down to lose the table edge ? All really minor niggles , love it :clap:

Record....the glare doesn't bother me & seems to add to the image with the processing you've done .Nice n sharp ...has a sort of 60's feel to it...brilliant (y)
Thanks for all your kind words.

The second shot, record seems a bit of a marmite shot regards the highlights on the records.
As you can probably tell, I backlit the shot with a flash fired through a large soft diffusing brolly. This gave a nice light and brought out the grooves in the discs, but for me, something was missing. So I bought in a side light fired through a small softbox, which lightened the shadow under the mic and gave the reflection, but also added the highlights.

I actually preferred this, as in most pictures and drawings of records, the highlights are almost a distinctive part of the image, so I left em in.

Anyway, I'm off on my hols for two weeks on Friday, so a big catch up session will be required in September.

See you all then...


As always just compliments... love the classic look of your record shot!

I always look forward to seeing your shots!

Sorry i've not been commenting in a while struggling to keep up with this 52!

Week 36 Time

OK, late and out of order, but hay ho, been away for a few weeks, and away again this week, so need to get in the shots when I can. Hopefully will take week 34 and 35 next weekend!

So this is Time


Sorry, not going to be able to comment on your work either until next weekend.

Take care all

Evolution...sorry as soon as I saw kajagoogoo I was off....;) You put a lot of work into this and you've done well.

I realise it's hard to control the reflection on vinyl, but I find the three light reflections on each of the records too distracting. They add to the picture, but I feel they're too harsh.

Other than that I like the shot.
The two meanings are there and it's a nice composition.
You may want to remove the dust before you play them though!


Time, I like. The rich colours really work for me and having it hanging is a great move. Nice shallow DOF. My only issues are the lighter section to the right of the watch and I'd like to see a tad off the left and add it to the bottom. Looks a tad off, the text on the watch isn't perpendicular, I might be developing OCD. I had a quick edit but Flickr sucked all the vibrancy out...:bang:

